diplomsko delo
Barbara Vidmar (Author), Zlatko Dežman (Mentor)


V preteklosti je bil glavni namen zaporne kazni v izolaciji, nasilju ter povzročanju trpljenja storilcu, ki je s svojimi dejanji kršil družbeno sprejemljive norme, saj je bil to edini način, da se družbo zavaruje pred tovrstnimi kršitelji. Danes pa je stanje bistveno drugačno, poglavitni namen zaporne kazni je v socializaciji oziroma resocializaciji storilca. Pri tem je zelo pomembna postpenalna pomoč, ki bistveno vpliva na storilca po prihodu iz zapora in mu pomaga, da se lažje integrira nazaj v družbo. Postpenalna obravnava obsojenca se začne z dnem nastopa zaporne kazni, traja ves čas prestajanja ter se konča z odhodom obsojenca na prostost. Je izjemnega pomena, saj se obsojenci z odhodom na prostost srečujejo z različnimi stiskami, ne vedo kaj pričakovati, ko bodo svobodni in kako jih bo družba sprejela, so brez stanovanja in zaposlitve. Poleg tega ima zaporna kazen negativne posledice na takšne osebe, saj so stigmatizirani za celotno življenje, posledično pa se tako v družbi težje znajdejo. Pri nas se postpenalna pomoč izvaja na različne načine: v obliki denarne pomoči, materialnih dobrih, kot pomoč pri nastanitvi, zaposlitvi ter v obliki psihološke pomoči. Priprava na obsojenčev odpust in pomoč po odhodu iz zapora so za posameznika poglavitnega pomena in močno vplivajo na uspešnost resocializacije in povratništva. Glavni razlog za uspeh oziroma neuspeh resocilizacije ter stopnje povratništva pa ni odvisen samo od kvalitetno izvedene postpenalne pomoči ampak predvsem od storilca samega, njegove pripravljenosti za sodelovanje in ciljev, ki si jih je v življenju zastavil.


kazensko procesno pravo;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [B. Vidmar]
UDC: 343.9(043.2)
COBISS: 5409579 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1159
Downloads: 204
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Postpenal help and its impact on resocialization and recidivism
Secondary abstract: In the past the main reason of imprisonment penalty was isolation, violence and causing suffering to this people who were violating socially acceptable norms. That was the only way for society to protect itself. Nowadays the situation is primarily different. The main reason of imprisonment is in socialisation and resocialisation of offenders. To manage that the post penal help and its impact on offenders is very important and it helps them to integrate back in society when they come out of prison.The post penal help of a sentenced starts with the day of appearance in prison, lasts the whole time being there and ends with leaving the prison. This is of utmost importance as the offenders leave for freedom the meet with various anguishes like what to expect when they are finally freed, how the society will accept them and whether they will be left without a home or a job. On top of that prison sentences can have negative affect on the people having them stigmatised for life and also with social difficulties. Here post penal help is dealt with in different ways: from monetary help, material goods, help finding a new home and job and also psychological help. Preparation for offenders release and help after it, is of crucial meaning and affects the success of resocialisation. Main reason for the success or failure of resocialisation and recidivism depends not only on the quality of the post penal help given but also on the offenders themselves and their openness for cooperation and goals they have set for themselves in life.
Secondary keywords: Postpenal help;recidivism;resocialisation;penalty of imprisonment;society;offenders.;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 47 f.
ID: 9168043
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