diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija Organizacija in management kadrovsko-izobraževalnih sistemov
Ada Trkulja (Author), Marjan Senegačnik (Mentor)


Gluhota je nevidna invalidnost, ki je slišeči ljudje dejansko ne opazimo. Šele ko pridemo v stik z gluhimi ljudmi, dojamemo, da je to zelo visoka stopnja telesne prizadetosti. V življenju nisem spoznala veliko gluhih (pred 20 leti se jim je reklo gluhonemi, ker ne morejo govoriti). Leta 2012 sem spoznala Barbaro Vegelj, ki je stoodstotno gluha od rojstva. Zaradi sistema, ki nas omejuje na vsakem koraku, nam takih oseb ni omogočeno poglobljeno spoznati, zlasti ne njihovega soočanja z okolico. A Barbara Vegelj je drugačna. Ona govori, ne kreta, nima stika z gluhimi – bila je prva, ki je stopila v redno osnovno šolo in ne v Zavod za gluhe in naglušne. Zame in za prijatelje je s tega zornega kota fenomen. Običajno se je integrirala v svet slišečih – najprej kot osnovnošolka, potem srednješolka in kasneje študentka. Seveda je morala premagati veliko ovir, vsako leto lažje, kar je nepojmljivo tako za stroko kot za nas slišeče. Sedaj normalno govori, česar se je naučila kot popolnoma gluha oseba. Če bi jo starši dali v Zavod za gluhe in naglušne, bi bila verjetno kot večina ostalih seznanjena samo z ročnimi spretnostmi, saj gluhi ne znajo govoriti in komunicirati in jim ne preostane drugega, kot da delajo z rokami in v tišini. A ona se je za vse doseženo borila. Pri tem ji je najbolj pomagala mati, ki ji je brala in jo popravljala, dokler ni pravilno izgovarjala besed (palec je na primer položila na mamino grlo in preko vibracij začutila besedo). Rojena je bila leta 1977, šele pri treh letih so ugotovili, da je gluha. Do svojega 28. leta je uporabljala slušne aparate, ki ji skoraj nič niso pomagali zaradi visoke izgube sluha. »Brala« je z ustnic. Pri 28 letih je dobila polžev vsadek. Od takrat sliši žuborenje vode, petje ptic, glasove čričkov… Stroka je še vedno mnenja, da se nikakor ne moreš naučiti govoriti, če do četrtega leta ne dobiš polževega vsadka. Barbara Vegelj je primer gluhe osebe, ki je zavrgla vse teorije. Čeprav jo stroka v Sloveniji pozna, je nikoli ne povabijo kot predavateljico in up za starše, ki se jim rodijo gluhi otroci. Zase pravi, da v tem ni posebna, da bi se lahko vsak naučil govoriti in poslušati. Sistem pa je tisti, ki na tem področju izobražuje strokovnjake, ki verjamejo le tistemu, kar jih sistem nauči. Oni nato, hote ali nehote, omejujejo gluhe ljudi, ki se kasneje ne morejo vključiti v svet slišečih. Tudi starši gluhih otrok ne bi smeli gluhote dojemati kot nečesa, kar se ne da premagati. Starši so tisti, ki morajo otroku na prvem mestu nuditi vso oporo, tako čustveno kot pomoč pri učenju, govoru in poslušanju. Zavedati se morajo, da je branje knjig na prvem mestu pri pridobivanju besednega zaklada in komunikaciji, čeprav je v to potrebno vložiti mnogo več truda kot pri nas slišečih. V diplomski nalogi bi rada zavrgla teorije, ki so še sedaj prisotne v Sloveniji, da gluh človek, brez polževega vsadka, ne more normalno govoriti. V zadnjih 30 letih se v naši državi skorajda nič ni spremenilo pri gluhih in naglušnih, le to, da je bil sprejet znakovni jezik, ki pa, žal, gluhemu človeku ne pomaga ravno pri funkcionalni pismenosti. Gluhi med seboj komunicirajo v znakovnem jeziku, a slišeči, žal, ne uporabljamo njihovega jezika. Posledično se gluhi ne morejo integrirati v svet slišečih, zelo težko dobijo službo in nemalokrat so breme državi, ki jih je sama pripeljala do tega. Diplomsko delo je namenjeno vsem gluhim, njihovim staršem in strokovnim delavcem, predvsem pa je predstavitev Barbare Vegelj, ki je v svojem življenju dokazala, da se da normalno živeti v svetu slišečih, imeti poklic, delo in življenje kot mi, slišeči, in ki je kljub zavrtemu sistemu dokazala, da je vse mogoče doseči s trdno voljo, vztrajnostjo in z delom.


gluhota;govorjenje;branje z ustnic;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [A. Trkulja]
UDC: 331.103
COBISS: 7831571 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1145
Downloads: 102
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Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: Deafness is an invisible disability, since those with normal hearing do not notice it. Only when we come in contact with those who are deaf do we understand how high the level of physical handicap actually is. I did not meet many deaf people in my life (20 years ago they were called deaf-and-dumb, since they were unable to talk). In 2012 I met Barbara Vegelj, who is one hundred percent deaf since birth. Due to the system, which limits us at every step, we cannot get to know such persons in-depth, especially not how they deal with the environment. But Barbara Vegelj is different. She speaks and does not use sign language, she has no contact with deaf people - she was the first to visit a regular primary school and not an Institution for the Deaf. This was a phenomenon for me and my friends. She normally integrated into the world of those who could hear - first in primary school, then secondary school and finally as a college student. Of course, she had to beat numerous obstacles, but with every step it was easier, which is almost incomprehensible for the profession as well as for those who could hear. She now speaks normally, which she learned to do as a completely deaf person. If her parents had given her into an Institution for the Deaf, she would probably only learn sign language and since deaf people cannot speak and communicate, there is nothing left for them but to work with their hands in silence. Her mother helped the most and read to her, corrected her until she could pronounce words properly (she, for instance, put her thump on her mother's throat so she could feel the word through vibrations). She was born in 1977 and they only discovered she was deaf when she was three years old. She used hearing aids until she was 28, which could not help her much due to near complete deafness. She »read« from lips. At 28 years of age she received a cochlear implant and since then she can hear the running water, birdsongs, crickets... The profession still claims that if you do not receive a cochlear implant until you are four, you cannot learn to speak. Barbara Vegelj is an example of a deaf person who discarded all these theories. Even though she is known to the profession in Slovenia, she is never invited as a speaker or a ray of hope for parents, whose children are born deaf. She claims that she is not special and that everyone could learn to speak and listen. It is the system that educates professionals in this field who only believe what the system taught them. And they, willingly or not, limit deaf people, who later cannot take part in the world of those who hear. Even parents of deaf children should not perceive deafness as something that cannot be overcome. Parents are those who should primarily offer the child all the support, emotional as well as with learning, speaking and listening and be aware that reading books should come first for attaining vocabulary and communication, even though this requires more effort than with those who can hear. In this final thesis I would like to discard the theories that still exist in Slovenia today, which claim that a deaf person cannot speak normally. In the last thirty years almost nothing has changed in our county for deaf and hard of hearing, only that the sign language was passed, which, sadly, does not help a deaf person to be functional at writing. Deaf communicate through sign language, but those who can hear do not understand it. Thus it is hard for them to integrate and they have problems finding work and are often a burden for the state, which is the one who caused this situation in the first place. This thesis is dedicated to all deaf persons, parents with deaf children and practitioners. But especially it is a presentation of Barbara Vegelj, who has proven in her life that it is possible to live normally in the world of those who can hear, have a job and life and who despite the warped system had proven that anything can be achieved through sheer will and hard work.
Secondary keywords: deafness;speaking;lip-reading;cochlear implant;rehabilitation;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 53 f.
ID: 9168052