delo diplomskega projekta
Krešimir Pavković (Author), Jani Bekő (Mentor)


V diplomskem projektu predstavljamo teorijo trga dela in analiziramo plačna gibanja v izbranih evropskih gospodarstvih, in sicer na Hrvaškem, Češkem in Sloveniji. V prvem sklopu opredeljujemo trg dela in njegove glavne značilnosti in učinke uvajanja minimalne plače na trgu dela. V drugem pa analiziramo gibanja minimalne in povprečne bruto plače v opazovanih državah. Osredotočamo se na razmerje minimalne in povprečne bruto plače, pa tudi na kumulativno rast minimalne in povprečne bruto plače. Minimalna plača je v eni od različic prisotna v vseh državah članicah Evropske unije. Večina držav v Uniji ureja minimalno plačo z zakonom, ostale pa z nacionalnim kolektivnim sporazumom. Iz ekonomske teorije sklepamo, da če je na trgu dela prisoten monopson, je minimalna plača lahko rešitev, saj predstavlja plačno dno, raven, pod katero delodajalci po zakonu ne smejo iti. Podatki in izračuni kažejo, da ima Slovenija med opazovanimi gospodarstvi v našem delu najvišje razmerje med minimalno in povprečno plačo.


trg dela;brezposelnost;plače;minimalna plača;Evropska unija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [K. Pavković]
UDC: 331.2:331.5
COBISS: 12597788 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1204
Downloads: 227
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Minimum wage in the selected European economies
Secondary abstract: This thesis examines and analyzes the theory of labor market and wage developments in selected European economies, i.e. in Croatia, the Czech Republic and in Slovenia. In the first part we define the labor market, its main characteristics, and the effects of the minimum wage introduction on the labor market. In the second part we analyze the development of the minimum and average gross wages in the observed countries. The thesis focuses on the ratio of the minimum and average gross wages as well as observed on the cumulative growth of the minimum and average gross wage. The minimum wage is present in all European Union member states in one of the/its forms. Most countries in the Union regulate the minimum wage by law, while the rest regulate it on the basis of the national collective agreement. Economic theory suggests that minimum wage may be a solution if there is monopsony on the labor market, because it represents the wage floor - the minimum level which employers have to abide by law. Data and calculations are indicating, that in Slovenia is the highest minimum relative to average wage ratio among observed economies within our work.
Secondary keywords: minimum wage;labor market;unemployment European Union.;
Type (COBISS): Diploma project paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 35 str.
ID: 9168237