magistrsko delo Management delovnih procesov, Ekološki management
Tadeja Kuhar Osterman (Author), Drago Vuk (Mentor)


Glavni cilji evropske energetske in podnebne politike so varnost oskrbe, konkurenčnost in trajnost. Države članice EU so se zavezale znižati emisije toplogrednih plinov do leta 2030 za 40 % glede na delež iz leta 1990 in delež vse porabe energije iz obnovljivih virov energije zvišati na vsaj 27 %. Slovenija je ena najbolj gozdnatih držav v Evropi, zato les predstavlja pomemben obnovljiv vir energije. Slovenska zakonodaja z novim Energetskim zakonom ugodno vpliva tudi na razvoj in umeščanje tehnologij pridobivanja električne energije in toplote iz obnovljivih virov energije. Osrednji del raziskovanja predstavlja analiza obstoječega proizvodnega procesa pridobivanja lesne biomase v podjetju BIOFIT d.o.o. Ugotovimo neustrezno kakovost lesnih sekancev glede na potrebe trga, kot tudi prenizko proizvodno zmogljivost. V podjetje smo uvedli tehnologijo soproizvodnje električne energije in toplote z uplinjanjem lesne biomase. S programskim orodjem ARIS smo izdelali model rešitve prenove proizvodnega procesa pridobivanja lesne biomase neposredno iz gozda in sicer za pridobivanje visokokakovostnih lesnih sekancev z uvedbo ukrepov sortiranja, od izvora lesa do končnega kupca, sejanja in sušenja lesnih sekancev.


proizvodna naprava SPTE;obnovljivi viri energije;lesna biomasa;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [T. Kuhar Osterman]
UDC: 658.5
COBISS: 7862547 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1524
Downloads: 72
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Introducing of technologies of generating electricity and thermal energy by gasification of wood chips in the company BIOFIT l.t.d.
Secondary abstract: The main objectives of European energy and climate policy are security of supply, competitiveness and sustainability. EU Member States have committed themselves to 40 % reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as a share of 1990 by 2030 and to increase a share of all energy consumption from renewable energy sources to at least 27 %. Slovenia is one of the most forested countries in Europe, therefore wood is an important renewable energy source. Slovenian legislation with the new Energy Act has a positive influence over development and implementation of renewable energy electricity and heat generating technologies. The main part of the research is to analyse the existing production process of wood biomass production in the company BIOFIT l.l.c. Research has shown inadequate quality of wood chips to meet the market needs, as well as low production capacity. Company has introduced the technology of co-generating electricity and heat through biomass gasification. By using ARIS software tool, we have developed a model solution for renovation of the manufacturing process, so to be able to obtain wood biomass directly from the forest with the output of high-quality wood chips. Optimization measures introduced were sorting process from the origin of the wood to the final customer, sieving and drying wood chips.
Secondary keywords: generating plant CHP;renewable energy sources;wood biomass;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 53 f.
ID: 9168249
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