na poti k oblikovanju globalne sankcijske politike
Katarina Vatovec (Author)


Uporaba sankcij - zlasti po koncu bipolarnosti - zaznamuje delovanje Organizacije združenih narodov (OZN). Članek izhaja iz teze, da je prav razvoj uporabe tega orodja mednarodnih odnosov v okviru svetovne organizacije pomembno prispeval k njegovi umestitvi in osmislitvi v okviru multilateralnih organizacij. Oblikovalo se je sodobno razumevanje koncepta sankcij, ki s prehodom od vseobsežnih k ciljno usmerjenim sankcijam odstopa od tradicionalnih, na državo vezanih ukrepov ter se v svojem bistvu osredinja na ciljnega posameznika. Prilagajanje uporabe sankcij spreminjajočim se zahtevam mednarodnega prostora in časa poglablja njihovo razdvojenost med pravom in politiko. Avtorica svoje ugotovitve gradi na doktrinarnem pristopu ter analizi sprejetih sankcij odločevalskega organa, nosilca sankcijske politike OZN, tj. Varnostnega sveta. Ob upoštevanju značilnih lastnosti teh ukrepov, predvsem prožnosti delovanja Varnostnega sveta ob hkratni ujetosti v skopost normativne podlage ter njegove vpetosti v mednarodno politiko, je na podlagi povečane intenzitete uporabe sankcij v sodobnem mednarodnem okolju mogoče ovrednotiti prispevek OZN na tem področju. To sproža razmišljanja o oblikovanju globalne sankcijske politike z osredinjenjem na varstvu človekovih pravic.


Organizacija združenih narodov;Varnostni svet;Sankcije (Mednarodno pravo);Človekove pravice;Mednarodno pravo;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization: UL FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
UDC: 341.1:34.018
COBISS: 34107997 Link will open in a new window
ISSN: 0040-3598
Parent publication: Teorija in praksa
Views: 978
Downloads: 188
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The use of sanctions - particularly since the end of bipolarity - characterises the functioning of the United Nations (UN). The article argues that it was precisely the development of this particular tool of international relations within the framework of the world organisation that made a significant contribution to its integration and meaning within the context of multilateral organisations. The shift from comprehensive to targeted sanctions which, by deviating from the traditional, country-related measures mainly focuses on targeted individuals, has shaped contemporary understanding of the concept of sanctions. The use of sanctions, adjusted to the requirements of the changing international environment and time, widens the gap between their dual nature pertaining to law and politics. The author's findings are based on a theoretical approach and an analysis of the sanctions adopted by the decision-making body, the bearer of UN sanctions policy, i.e. the Security Council. Due to the increased intensity of the sanctions and their characteristics, mainly the flexibility of the Security Council, its involvement in international politics, and the narrowness of the normative basis, it is possible to evaluate the UN's contribution in the area of the use of sanctions. This also gives impetus to considering the creation of a global sanctions policy with the protection of human rights at its centre.
Secondary keywords: Sanctions (International law);Human rights;International law;
Type (COBISS): Not categorized
Pages: str. 694-711, 842
Volume: ǂLetn. ǂ53
Issue: ǂšt. ǂ3
Chronology: maj-jun. 2016
ID: 9169715
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