magistrsko delo
Dušanka Brumen (Author), Marija Ropič (Mentor), Branka Čagran (Co-mentor)


Opismenjevanje otrok se prične tako rekoč že od rojstva in ne šele v prvem razredu. Otroci pričnejo z razlikujočim poslušanjem, na katerem temeljijo preostale vrste poslušanja, ko začnejo zaznavati zvoke in jih prepoznavajo, ko začnejo ločevati glas od hrupa. Govor se prične razvijati že pri nekaj mesecih, ko se dojenčki poigravajo z izgovarjavo različnih glasov in zlogov. Sistematično se razvijanje predopismenjevalnih spretnosti nadaljuje v vrtcu in nato še v šoli, kjer postopoma učenci začnejo ločevati med posameznimi besedami, glasovi in zlogi v besedah, jih prepoznavajo, odkrivajo in poimenujejo, iščejo rime. Učenci morajo dobro razlikujoče, razčlenjujoče in razločujoče slišati. Vse to sodi k usvajanju glasovnega zavedanja, ki če je dobro usvojeno, pripomore k boljši slovnični in pravopisni korektnosti pri nareku, kot v nadaljevanju kaže raziskava. Raziskava temelji na slučajnostnem priložnostnem vzorcu 78 učencev, med katerimi je 46 dečkov in 32 deklic, od tega jih 46 obiskuje mestne in 32 primestne šole. Raziskava je potekala kar pet let, saj so bili učenci prvič vključeni v njo v prvem razredu in zadnjič v petem razredu, vendar so pri raziskavi sodelovali petkrat. Enkrat v prvem razredu, kjer je raziskava potekala tri dni, saj je potekala v obliki odprtih vprašanj. Dvakrat so bili v raziskavo vključeni v drugem razredu, prvič so pisali narek in drugič opis. Na enak način je potekala raziskava še v petem razredu. V prvem razredu temelji pouk slovenskega jezika na usvajanju in utrjevanju glasovnega zavedanja. Po prenovljenem učnem načrtu iz leta 2011 je v ospredje še bolj postavljen učenec kot individuum, bolj je pomembno njegovo znanje kot znanje skupine. Zato mora učitelj v začetku prvega razreda preveriti, na kateri stopnji je usvojeno glasovno zavedanje, in na njej dalje graditi. V pomoč mu je individualni načrt učenca, ki si ga izdela sam za vsakega učenca posebej in v njega vlaga učenčeve izdelke ter vpisuje rezultate glaskovanja, zlogovanja in rimanja. Na podlagi tega lahko učitelj nadaljnje delo lažje diferencira in razvija učenčeve sposobnosti razločujočega in razčlenjujočega poslušanja. Ko so temelji dobri, trdi in zakoreninjeni, pa lahko nadaljuje z usvajanjem sekundarnih jezikovno sporazumevalnih spretnosti, torej pisanja in branja, pri katerih mora učenec znati uporabiti že prej pridobljeno znanje primarno jezikovno sporazumevalnih spretnosti. Učenci imajo čas do konca drugega razreda, da usvojijo branje in pisanje in nato ti dve spretnosti nadgrajujejo v tretjem razredu. V raziskavi nas je zanimalo, ali ima dobro usvojeno glasovno zavedanje vpliv na kasnejše pravopisne in slovnične korektnosti pri pisanju nareka in opisovanja, kjer pa morajo biti učenci pozorni tudi na zgradbo besedila, pomen besed in tvorjenje povedi. Postavljena je bila hipoteza, da bolj kot imajo učenci razvito razločujoče in razčlenjujoče poslušanje, manj bodo imeli težav s pisanjem in branjem. Tehnike pisanja in branja bodo usvojili lažje, hitreje, z manj težavami in neuspehi kot učenci, ki so imeli manj razvito glasovno zavedanje. Učitelj mora prepoznati učence, ki imajo težave z glasovnim zavedanjem, in delo pri pouku oziroma dopolnilnem pouku diferencirati ali individualizirati tako, da jim ponudi ustrezne vaje, ki krepijo pomanjkljive spretnosti. Predvidevam, da se bo pri raziskavi pokazalo, da so pomanjkljive spretnosti glasovnega zavedanja pripomogle k pravopisnim napakam pri nareku in opisu živali v drugem razredu ter nareku in opisu predmeta v petem razredu. Predvidevam še, da se bo v petem razredu število napak večalo sorazmerno s pomanjkljivo usvojenimi spretnostmi glasovnega zavedanja. Torej, slabše kot so imeli razvito razločujoče in razčlenjujoče poslušanje, več bo napak v drugem razredu, pravopisna in slovnična korektnost pa se bo še zmanjšala tudi v petem razredu.


magistrska dela;poslušanje;razlikujoče poslušanje;razločujoče poslušanje;razčlenjujoče poslušanje;spodbujanje glasovnega zavedanja;narek;neumetnostno besedilo;opis živali;prvi razred;drugi razred;peti razred;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [D. Brumen]
UDC: 811.163.6'233-057.874(043.2)
COBISS: 22659080 Link will open in a new window
Views: 959
Downloads: 171
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The influence of phonemic awareness on spelling and gramatical correctness with animals and objects description and dictation
Secondary abstract: Learning how to read and write starts with the birth and not in the first grade of primary school. Children start with the differentiating listening which is the base for all other kinds of listening when they start perceiving and recognising voices and when they start differentiating sounds from noise. Speaking ability starts developing already during the first months when babies start playing with pronunciation of different sounds and syllables. Systematical development of pre-writing and speaking skills continues in the kindergarten and during the first years of primary school when students gradually start differentiating between words, sounds and syllables in a word; later on they start recognising, discovering and naming the words and finally pairing them in rhymes. It is important that student's hearing ability is differentiating, analysing and distinctive. All of the above is a part of assimilation of phonemic awareness which if well adopted contributes to the grammatical and spelling correctness in the dictation which is shown with the research. The research is based on an accidental sample of 78 students of 46 boys and 32 girls of which 46 come from city area schools and 32 of suburban area schools. The research was in progress for 5 years because students were first tested in the first grade and finally in the fifth grade of primary school however the students participated in the research 5 times altogether. The first time was in the first grade when the research took place for three days and the students answered opened type of questions. In the second grade the students participated twice, first with the dictation and later on with the description. In the same way the research was carried out in the fifth grade. In the first grade the Slovene language lessons are based on the assimilation and practice of phonemic awareness. According to the renewed 2011 curriculum student as the individual is put into the centre and his knowledge is more important than the knowledge of the class. In the light of this the teacher must at the beginning of the first grade check the level of phonemic awareness and build from there on. Individual student plan made by the teacher for each student is of great help and it includes student's achievements and results of voice compounding, syllable compounding and rhyming. On the base of that it is easier for the teacher to differentiate further work and develop student's analysing and distinctive listening skills. When these are achieved the teacher may start with the assimilation of secondary language-communication skills of reading and writing where the student must now use the prelearned knowledge of primary language-communication skills. It is until the second grade that the students must assimilate reading and writing and upgrade these skills in the third grade. The research focused on the question whether well assimilated phonemic awareness influences later spelling and grammatical correctness with writing a dictation and description where students must pay attention to the structure of the text, meaning of the words and building sentences. A hypothesis was stated that students with better developed analysing and distinctive listening skills will face less problems with writing and reading. Consequently, writing and reading techniques will be assimilated easier, faster and with less problems and failures in comparison to the students with less developed phonemic awareness. The teacher must recognise the student facing problems with phonemic awareness and differentiate and individualise lessons with problem targeted exercise. I assume that the research will show that insufficient skills of phonemic awareness have contributed to the spelling mistakes in dictation and animal description in the second grade and dictation and object description in the fifth grade. I also predict that the number of mistakes in the fifth grade will increase proportionally with insufficiently assimilated ...
Secondary keywords: master theses;listening;differentiating listening skills;analysing listening skills;distinctive listening skills;encouragement of phonetic awareness;dictations;non-literal text;animal description;object description;first grade;second grade;fifth grade;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 110 f.
ID: 9169938