magistrsko delo Kadrovski management, Socialni management
Tjaša Starčič (Author), Mojca Bernik (Mentor), Alenka Brezavšček (Co-mentor)


V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali stanje na področju zagotavljanja kakovosti na višjih strokovnih šolah v Sloveniji. Ugotavljali smo, katere pristope k zagotavljanju kakovosti na višjih strokovnih šolah poznajo in katere pristope v ta namen tudi uporabljajo. Raziskovali smo, kako odgovorni za kakovost ocenjujejo raven dosežene kakovosti svoje šole ter katere aktivnosti za izboljšanje kakovosti načrtujejo v prihodnjih petih letih. Cilj raziskave je bil tudi ugotoviti, kateri pristop k zagotavljanju kakovosti je najprimernejši za višje strokovne šole v Sloveniji. Zanimala nas je še razlika med javnimi in zasebnimi višjimi strokovnimi šolami v povprečni samooceni ravni kakovosti. V teoretičnem delu smo podrobneje predstavili pojma kakovost in odličnost ter pristope k zagotavljanju kakovosti, ki so na voljo na trgu. Izpostavili smo pristope, ki so, po izsledkih literature, najprimernejši za višje strokovne šole. V empiričnem delu navajamo rezultate raziskave, ki smo jo izvedli z anketiranjem višjih strokovnih šol v Sloveniji. Rezultati so pokazali, da se večina slovenskih višjih strokovnih šol zaveda pomena zagotavljanja kakovosti, zato ima vpeljan sistem kakovosti, ki je skladen z enim izmed modelov kakovosti. Ugotovili smo, da med javnimi in zasebnimi višjimi strokovnimi šolami ni razlike v samooceni ravni kakovosti, prav tako ni razlik v številu pristopov k zagotavljanju kakovosti, ki jih uporabljajo. Večina slovenskih višjih strokovnih šol uporablja model »Zahteve sistema vodenja kakovosti v višjih strokovnih šolah« in namerava v prihodnjih petih letih nadgraditi obstoječi sistem kakovosti z modelom odličnosti »Model odličnosti višjih strokovnih šol«. Višjim strokovnim šolam smo podali tudi smernice za nadaljnje korake pri izboljšanju kakovosti oziroma poti k odličnosti.


kakovost;poslovna odličnost;management kakovosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences
Publisher: [T. Starčič]
UDC: 378
COBISS: 7795731 Link will open in a new window
Views: 909
Downloads: 112
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The analysis of quality assurance in Slovenian higher education
Secondary abstract: In the master’s thesis we researched the condition in the field of quality assurance in higher vocational colleges in Slovenia. We were ascertaining which approaches to assure quality are known in higher vocational colleges and which approaches are used in quality assurance. We researched how the persons, responsible for quality, evaluate the level of the achieved quality of their college as well as what are the planned activities for improving the quality in the next five years. The objective of the research was to ascertain which approach to quality assurance is the most appropriate for higher vocational colleges in Slovenia. We also wanted to ascert if there is any difference between private and public vocational colleges in self evaluation of quality level. In the theoretical part we presented the notions of the quality and excellence as well as the approaches to quality assurance which are at disposal in the market. We pointed out the approaches which are, according to the discoveries of the literature, the most appropriate for higher vocational colleges. In the empirical part we state the results of the research which was exercised by means of surveying higher vocational colleges in Slovenia. The results have shown that most of the Slovenian higher vocational colleges do realize the significance of quality assurance. Therefore, they have quality system which is in accordance with one of the models of quality. We found out that there is no difference between public and private vocational colleges in self evaluation of quality level and implementation of quality approaches. Most of Slovene higher vocational colleges use the model “Demands of the quality management in higher vocational colleges” and intend to upgrade the existing quality system with the model of excellence “The model of excellence of higher vocational colleges”. We also gave the directives for further steps in improving the quality and the way to the excellence in higher vocational colleges.
Secondary keywords: Quality and business excellence;Higher vocational education;Quality management;Quality in vocational education;Systems and models for quality assurance;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede
Pages: 102 f.
ID: 9169945