diplomsko delo
Maruša Fabčič (Author), Franc Janžekovič (Co-mentor), Tina Klenovšek (Co-mentor), Boris Kryštufek (Co-mentor)


Tema diplomskega dela je bila morfometrična variabilnost lobanje volka (Canis lupus). Na fotografijah 183 lobanj volka, iz različnih muzejskih zbirk, smo izmerili kot med obraznim in možganskim delom lobanje. Naš namen je ugotoviti, ali prihaja pri velikosti kota do razlik med samci in samicami volkov znotraj istih geografskih populacij. Primerki lobanj so bili nabrani iz treh različnih geografskih območji, in sicer iz Bolgarije, Dinaridov in Karpatov. Preverili smo, ali obstajajo razlike v velikosti kota med populacijami treh geografskih območji. Določili smo tri naslonske točke, ki so definirale kot med obraznim in možganskim segmentom lobanje. Te točke so: 1. sprednji rob zgornje čeljustnice na meji z zobno jamico podočnika; 2. zadnji rob zobne jamice drugega (zadnjega) meljaka; 3. spodnji rob zunanje slušne odprtine. Z opisno statistiko smo dobili rezultat, da je aritmetična sredina velikosti kota vseh skupin 188,1 stopinj. Največjo vrednost kota smo izmerili pri samcih iz Bolgarije in pri samcih iz Karpatov - 193,4 stopinj. Najmanjšo vrednost kota smo izmerili pri samcih iz Bolgarije - znašala je 181,4 stopinj. Iz grafa aritmetičnih sredin smo razbrali, da ni večjih razlik med samci in samicami posameznih geografskih območji. Razvidno je tudi, da so v povprečju velikosti kotov pri samicah manjše, le pri samicah iz Dinaridov smo izmerili večje velikosti kotov v primerjavi s samci. Z LSD testom smo potrdili hipotezo, da med samci in samicami iz različnih geografskih območji ni statistično značilnih razlik. Največja aritmetična sredina velikosti kota ja bila izmerjena pri volčjih lobanjah iz Karpatov, in sicer 189,1 stopinj. Najmanjša aritmetična sredina velikosti kota je bila izmerjena pri populacijah iz Dinaridov, in sicer 187,4 stopinj. Pri preverjanju razlik v velikosti kota med populacijami, smo ugotovili, da so statistično značilne razlike med populacijami Karpatov in Bolgarije ter Karpatov in Dinaridov. Populaciji Karpatov in Dinaridov se med seboj bolj razlikujeta. Aerorinhijo izkazuje 9,8 % oziroma 18 volčjih lobanj. Največji delež aerorinhije izkazujejo volčje lobanje iz Karpatov, in sicer 15,2 % oziroma 10 lobanj.


diplomska dela;sivi volk;aerorinhija;morfometrija;kot;lobanja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FNM - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
Publisher: [M. Fabčič]
UDC: 599.744.111.1(043.2)
COBISS: 22764552 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1092
Downloads: 98
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Morfometric variability of the skull of the Grey wolf (Canis lupus)
Secondary abstract: The theme of my graduation thesis was mofrometric variability of the skull of the grey wolf (Canis lupus). We analysed 183 photographs of the lateral view of the skulls of grey wolfs which were taken from different museum collections. We measured the angle between the facial and the cerebral part of the cranium. The aim of the analysis was to determine whether there are significant differences in the measured angle between males and females of grey wolf in the same geographical regions. The samples of skulls were obtained from three different geographical regions, namely Bulgarian, Dinaridian and Carpathian. In each case, we analysed if there were significant differences in the measured angle between the populations from three geographical regions. We assigned three landmark points to each skull. These landmarks defined the angle between the facial and the cerebral part of the cranium. The landmarks where: 1. the frontal edge of the premaxilla on the border of the tooth socket and the canine; 2. the posterior edge of the tooth socket of the last (second) molar; 3. the ventral edge of the external auditory aperture. With descriptive statistic method we used, we got the result of the mean value of the angle size of all the groups that was 188,1 degrees. The largest angle was measured in the group of males from Bulgaria and the Carpathian - 193,4 degrees. The smallest angle was also measured in the group of males from Bulgaria - 181,4 degrees. From the graph of mean we figure out that there are small or none differences between males and females from different geographical regions. Graph also shows that the angle size of females are overall smaller than males, except females from Dinaridian shows bigger angle sizes than males. We used the LSD test to confirm the hypothesis that there are no statistical significant differences between the males and females from different geographical regions. The biggest mean of the angle size was measured in the Caprathian population - 189,1 degrees. The smallest mean of angle size was measured in the Dinaridian population - 187,4 degress. We determined statistically significant differences in the size of the angle between the populations of the Carpathian and Bulgaria and between the population of the Carpathian and the Dinaridian. The populations of the Carpathian and the Dinaridian differ the most from one another. Airorhynchy was present in 9,8 % of the sample or 18 grey wolf skulls. The biggest percentage of skulls with airorhynchy where present in the group from the Carpathian. In this group 10 skulls exhibit airorhynchy, which amounts to 15 %.
Secondary keywords: theses;grey wolf;airorhynchy;morfometry;angle;skull;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo
Pages: X, 38 f.
ID: 9170307