diplomsko delo
Nick Logofetov (Author), Ivan Bele (Mentor)


Diplomska naloga obravnava do sedaj povsem neznano področje Deep in Dark weba. Tako kot je internet že povsem integriran del našega vsakdana, sta tudi Deep in Dark web osnovna gradnika, brez katerih internet ne bi obstajal. Razlikovanje med Deep in Dark webom je zelo pomembno, saj zamenjava ali mešanje pojmov povzročata ne samo težave v razlikovanju pomena, temveč imata daljnosežne posledice pri pregonu kriminala in urejanju tega področja. Glavno vodilo naloge je izpostavitev in predstavitev novih pojavnih oblik kaznivih dejanj, tako tistih, ki jih že poznamo in zaznavamo, kakor tudi tistih, ki so z njuno pomočjo šele dobila zagon. Bralca seznanja s številnimi pojmi in tehnologijami, ki so nujno potrebne za razumevanje in delovanje Deep in Dark weba, ob tem pa na praktičnih primerih prikaže delovanje sistemov, programov in dejanj storilcev kaznivih dejanj. Države širom sveta se s to problematiko srečujejo vse pogosteje, tako je tudi vse glasnejša težnja po opredelitvi in ureditvi tega področja, zato bo treba poiskati skupno rešitev, ki bi zadovoljila tako organe odkrivanja in pregona kot tudi uporabnike, ki si želijo ohraniti anonimnost.


kazensko pravo;diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [N. Logofetov]
UDC: 343.45(043.2)
COBISS: 5410603 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2778
Downloads: 419
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: DARK WEB AND DEEP WEB
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with up until now a completely unknown territory of Deep and Dark web. Just like the Internet has become a fully integrated part of our daily lives, so have Deep and Dark web become the essential building blocks without which the Internet would now exist. The distinction between Deep and Dark web is of utmost importance, because replacing of confusion of concepts not only causes problems in distinguishing the two but also has far reaching consequences in criminal prosecution and regulation. The main aim of this thesis is the exposure and presentation of the new forms of criminal acts, both those we already know and perceive as well as those that only gained momentum with their help. It acquaint the reader with multiple concepts and technologies that are indispensable in understanding of Deep and Dark web and their operations, while practical examples demonstrate the workings of systems, programs and actions that offenders use to carry out each day. Countries around the world are confronted with this issue more and more, therefore a increasingly more vocal tendency for definition and regulation is present, hence a common solution must be found, one that would satisfy both law enforcement and users who wish to retain their anonymity.
Secondary keywords: Deep web;Dark web;anonymity;cryptography;Internet;crime;cyber space;software;usability;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 106 f.
ID: 9170444
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