diplomsko delo


V diplomskem delu je obravnavana testna anksioznost učencev v osnovni šoli na predmetni stopnji pri pouku matematike. Proučevana je bila njena stopnja med preverjanjem in ocenjevanjem matematičnega znanja. Diplomsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. Teoretični del vsebuje opredelitev pojma testna anksioznost. Pojasnjene so njene štiri komponente, ki se pojavijo pri učencih ob preverjanju in ocenjevanju matematičnega znanja. S pomočjo literature so predstavljeni povzročitelji testne anksioznosti v situacijah vrednotenja znanja, kjer učenci nimajo vpliva na preverjanje in ocenjevanje. Opredeljene so tudi zaščitne strategije testno anksioznih učencev, na katere se oprejo, ko se želijo izogniti situacijam vrednotenja znanja. Sledijo predlogi za zmanjševanje testne anksioznosti učencev ob pomoči učitelja in z metodami, kjer si učenec lahko pomaga sam. Empirični del zajema raziskavo o stopnji testne anksioznosti pri preverjanju in ocenjevanju znanja pri matematiki. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 38 učencev predmetne stopnje osnovne šole v Kranju. Stopnja testne anksioznosti je bila merjena s pomočjo Pečjakovega vprašalnika o testni anksioznosti, ki je bil prilagojen učencem osnovne šole, in z dodatnim vprašalnikom o testni anksioznosti pri pouku matematike. V nadaljevanju je raziskana najpogostejša komponenta anksioznosti pri matematiki, analizirane so stopnja testne anksioznosti glede na obliko preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja, sprotno delo učencev pri pouku matematike in učna uspešnost učencev pri matematiki. Proučevana je tudi anksioznost učencev glede na skromnejše oz. obsežnejše znanje matematike in vpliv odnosa med učencem in učiteljem na testno anksiozne učence. Na koncu diplomskega dela so podani predlogi za zmanjšanje testne anksioznosti učencev pri matematiki.


testna anksioznost;preverjanje in ocenjevanje znanja;komponente testne anksioznosti;pomoč učencem;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [T. Friškovec]
COBISS: 11163721 Link will open in a new window
Views: 996
Downloads: 145
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Mathematical anxiety in the primary school
Secondary abstract: The thesis deals with test anxiety of students in elementary school in the class of mathematics. The level of anxiety has been studied during the assessment of mathematical knowledge. The thesis consists of theoretical and empirical work. The theoretical part contains the definition of notion “test anxiety”, explaining its four components that occur to students during the assessment of mathematical knowledge. With the help of literature the causeres of test anxiety in situations of valuation of knowledge are presented, where students have no impact on the assessment and grading. It also identifies protection strategies test anxiety students rely on when they wish to avoid situations of valuation of knowledge. Followed by proposals for reducing test anxiety with the help of the teachers and the methods in which the student can help himself. The empirical part consists the study on the level of test anxiety in assessment of mathematical knowledge, consist of a research which was held on elementary school in Kranj and involved 38 students. The level of test anxiety was measured using a survey on Pečjak test anxiety, which was adapted to the students of elementary schools with added questions on test anxiety in mathematics. Further on we researched the most common test anxiety components in mathematics, analysed the level of test anxiety based on the form of knowledge assessment, active work of students and academic achievement of students in mathematics. We also studied the anxiety based on the amount of knowledge of mathematics and the influence the relationship between teacher and student has on test anxiety in students. In the end, the thesis puts forward suggestions for reducing test anxiety of students in mathematics.
Secondary keywords: anxiety;marking;mathematics;anksioznost;ocenjevanje;matematika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Dvopredmetni učitelj matematike in računalništva
Pages: 33 str.
ID: 9170576