diplomsko delo
Namen diplomskega dela je bil raziskati novodobniške predstave o človeški psihični naravi in osebnostni rasti. Za novodobniško duhovnost je značilen poudarek na posamezniku, ki si sam oblikuje svojo duhovno pot, tako da prosto izbira med raznimi novodobniškimi ponudbami. Kot primer takšne novodobniške ponudbe smo analizirali Duhovno šolo Vilija Ravnjaka. S primerjavo študijskega gradiva in socioloških novodobniških teorij smo ugotovili, da duhovna šola vsebuje ključne novodobniške karakteristike in s svojimi dodatnimi idejnimi koncepti celo presega Jungov koncept individuacije in sebstva. V nadaljnji raziskavi smo z intervjuji dveh skupin, udeležencev Duhovne šole Vilija Ravnjaka in njihovih ne-novodobniških vrstnikov, ter s pomočjo metode kodiranja odkrivali razlike v njihovih novodobniških pogledih. Analizirali smo njihove predstave o človeški psihi, njihovo samopodobo, dojemanje lastnih senc ter identifikacijo s konceptom sebstva. Rezultati so pokazali, da pri predstavi o človeški psihi in pri samopodobi ni večjih razlik, saj oboji izražajo pozitivne vidike, medtem ko se pri dojemanju lastnih senc in identifikaciji s sebstvom razlike povečajo v prid skupine novodobnikov. To je posledica tega, da se novodobniki aktivno ukvarjajo z osebnostno rastjo in se zato bolj intenzivno soočajo s svojo notranjostjo. Z dodatnimi vprašanji smo ugotovili tudi, da ima duhovna šola po mnenju udeležencev nanje velik vpliv, in sicer predvsem v smeri boljših medosebnih odnosov, drugačnega pogleda na svet, večje samozavesti ter večjega notranjega miru. Na koncu smo še naredili analizo največjih razlik med obema skupinama, ki je pokazala, da so novodobniki dosti manj družbeno kritični, bolj so osredotočeni vase, da v večji meri poročajo o občutkih notranjega miru in da svoje življenje v primerjavi z nenovodobniki doživljajo kot bolj harmonično.
novodobništvo;novodobniki;novodobniška duhovnost;novodobniško gibanje;Duhovna šola Vilija Ravnjaka;osebnostna rast;individuacija;predstave o človeški psihi;psihologija Carla Gustava Junga;koncept sebstva;sociologija religije;diplomska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FF - Faculty of Arts |
Publisher: |
[A. Simonič] |
UDC: |
299.94: |
Views: |
1658 |
Downloads: |
122 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
The purpose of this graduation thesis was to investigate the New Age ideas about human psychological nature and personal growth. The New Age spirituality is characterized by the emphasis on the individual who alone creates their own spiritual path in a way that he or she freely chooses between various New Age offers. As an example of such a New Age offer, an analysis of the Spiritual school of Vili Ravnjak was conducted. A comparison of the study materials and sociological New Age theories showed that the Spiritual school contains key New Age characteristics and even surpasses Jung%s concept of individuation and the Self, with its own additional ideological concepts. In a further study, through interviews and with the help of the method of coding, differences between the New Age views of two groups % participants of the Spiritual school of Vili Ravnjak and their non-New-Age peers - were discovered. An analysis of their views of the human psyche, their self-esteem, perceptions of their own shadows and their identification with the concept of the Self, was carried out. The results showed that the views of the human psyche and the self-esteem do not greatly differ, as both groups express positive aspects, while the perception of own shadows and identification with the concept of the Self are more distinct in favour of the New Age group. That is due to New Agers, because they are actively engaged in their personal growth and therefore intensively confront their inner self. With additional questions it was found that, according to its participants, the Spiritual school of Vili Ravnjak has a strong influence on them, particularly in the direction of better interpersonal relationships, a different world-view, greater self-confidence and a greater inner peace. Finally, an analysis of the biggest differences between the two groups was conducted, which showed that New Agers are much less socially critical, more focused on themselves, they report of feelings of inner peace to a greater extent and they experience life as more harmonious compared with the non-New-Agers. |
Secondary keywords: |
New Age;New Agers;New Age spirituality;New Age movement;Spiritual school of Vili Ravnjak;personal growth;individuation;views of the human psyche;psychology of Carl Gustav Jung;cocept of the Self;sociology of religion;theses; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Undergraduate thesis |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za sociologijo |
Pages: |
129 f. |
ID: |
9170905 |