odzivi v poeziji in kulturi
Kristina Kočan (Author), Michelle Gadpaille (Mentor)


The doctoral dissertation with the title"Post-9/11 America: Poetic and Cultural Responses" examines the immediate responses that emerged in American media and poetry after the terrorist attacks on 11 September, 2001 in New York City and Washington, D.C. The research proceeds from the analysis of responses to 9/11 in several American printed media, to the reading of poetic works by contemporary American poets. Using the resources of the editorials in four major daily American newspapers (USA Today, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and The Washington Times) and two leading weekly American magazines (The New Yorker and The Weekly Standard), the research employs the theoretical approach of content analysis to examine the rhetoric used. This method enables textual data analysis in selected editorials associated with the language of 9/11 to confirm the first variable of the thesis; i.e. that the media reproduced the manner of the rhetoric of the then current government administration. Seeking to explain the rhetoric of the politicians and the media after 9/11, the analysis explores several parameters. This kind of rhetoric addressed the issues connected to 9/11, and employed a great deal of patriotism-related words as well as a language that could help instigate fear and paranoia in Americans and their culture. After the first hypothesis of the thesis has been established, the study turns towards the primary argument of the thesis. The main crux of the study is to show that the majority of the poets deviated from the prevalent rhetoric of the time, and did not resort to the language of fear and intense patriotism. This in-depth study of contemporary American poetry that came into existence as a response to the events of 9/11 focuses on poems published in several anthologies (Poetry after 9/11: An Anthology of New York Poets; September 11, 2001 American Writers Respond; An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind; September 11: West Coast Writers Approach Ground Zero; 110 Stories), prominent American journals (such as The New Yorker and Michigan Quarterly Review), and poetry collections. Focusing on portraying the manifold poetic responses to 9/11, this study leans on thematic criticism as a comparative approach for creating a collectivity of poems that differ in metrics, style, tropes and figures of speech. Thematic criticism provides a foundation for organizing the poems into thematic clusters, not by determining unique thematic features of a specific poem, but by establishing attributes that unite several poems into a thematic cluster. The thesis divides the 9/11 poems into eight thematic clusters, which are then analyzed in detail. Additionally, the study uses another method to analyze individual poetic responses to 9/11, which is the formalist theoretical approach, New Criticism. This interpretive method of close reading enables an interpretation of a poem by analyzing its formal elements based on internal evidence. With the combination of the interpretive and comparative approach, the thesis has confirmed the main postulate and has established that most post-9/11 American poetry eschewed the prevalent patriotic rhetoric of the then current U.S. media. The study has shown that post-9/11 poetry is a marginal genre in comparison to the 9/11 novel when it comes to the critical examination of the post-9/11 literary responses. Hence, this study is novel in providing a substantial scholarly examination of post-9/11 poetry written by American poets. Chapter 2 investigates fear, patriotism and language issues in politics and the media after 9/11.Chapter 3 establishes the prevailing rhetoric in the immediate post 9/11 response of U.S. media with the help of the theoretical framework of content analysis. The pre-existing scholarly work on literary responses to 9/11 and the problems with representation of 9/11 in American culture occupy Chapter 4, while Chapter 5 sets out the selected methodology (Thematic Criticism and New Criticism) for studying post-9/11 American poetry. Chapter 6 deals extensively with thematic representations in post-9/11 American poetry.


dissertations;events of 9/11;contemporary American poetry;responses;media;politics;culture;trauma;crisis;content analysis;New Criticism;close reading;thematic analysis;


Language: English
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: K. Kočan Šalamon]
UDC: 821.111(73).09-01(043.3)
COBISS: 22681352 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1776
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Secondary language: Slovenian
Secondary title: Amerika po 11. septembru 2001: odzivi v poeziji in kulturi
Secondary abstract: Namen doktorske disertacije z naslovom "Amerika po 11. septembru: odzivi v poeziji in kulturi" je analiza in sistematična razčlenitev takojšnjih odzivov v Ameriki na teroristične napade, ki so se zgodili 11. septembra 2001 v mestih New York in Washington D.C. Doktorska disertacija se giblje od analize odzivov ameriških tiskanih medijev do odzivov na te dogodke sodobnih ameriških pesnikov. Prvi del študije je tako namenjen podrobni analizi retorike dualizma, patriotskega jezika kot tudi elementov ustrahovanja v uredniških uvodnikih v izbranih ameriških tiskanih medijih (uvodniki v štirih dnevnih časopisih: USA Today, The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Washington Times, ter dveh tednikih: The New Yorker in The Weekly Standard). Ker se doktorska disertacija osredotoča na takojšnje odzive na napade, zajema raziskava izbranih uredniških uvodnikov obdobje štirih tednov v dnevnem časopisju in osmih tednov v tednikih. Metodologija za dokazovanje, da je bila uporabljena retorika domoljubna, da je pomagala širiti strah in paranojo v ameriški družbi ter da je bila nadvse podobna bipolarni politični retoriki tistega časa, je kvantitativna analiza vsebine (content analysis). Ta pristop omogoča analizo besedilnih podatkov v izbranih uredniških uvodnikih s pomočjo računalniške programske opreme za raziskovanje več parametrov in potrditev prve hipoteze: da so mediji v veliki meri sledili načinu retorike takratne politične administracije. Ko je bila dokazana prva spremenljivka doktorske disertacije glede prevladujoče retorike, se doktorska naloga usmeri proti glavnemu argumentu. Glavna hipoteza doktorske disertacije je, da je po teh dogodkih vzniknilo veliko poezije, ki izraža poetično ter popolnoma osebno stran krize in ki v veliki meri odstopa od javnih odzivov medijev in politikov, kar predstavlja tudi jedro te študije. Tako smo priča številnim antologijam s poezijo o dogodkih, povezanih z 11. septembrom, ki so se pojavile v prvih letih po napadih leta 2001. Disertacija obravnava poezijo po 11. septembru, ki je bila objavljena v teh antologijah (Poetry after 9/11: An Anthology of New York Poets, September 11, 2001 American Writers Respond, An Eye for an Eye Makes the Whole World Blind, September 11: West Coast Writers Approach Ground Zero, 110 Stories), posameznih pesniških zbirkah in prestižnih revijah, kot sta npr. The New Yorker in Michigan Quarterly Review. Študija ne vsebuje poetičnih odzivov, objavljenih na številnih spletnih straneh, saj so bili tisti odzivi v veliki meri napisani izpod peresa ne-pesnikov, ki so se odločili le uporabiti pesniško obliko za izraz svojih mnenj. Ta doktorska disertacija se osredotoča izključno na raziskovanje odzivov med že uveljavljenimi sodobnimi ameriškimi pesniki. S pomočjo tematske kritike doktorska disertacija pokaže, kako raznoliki, a hkrati podobni so bili odzivi ameriških pesnikov. Tematska kritika omogoča razdelitev pesmi v tematske sklope, ki se razlikujejo v slogu, retoričnih figurah in metaforiki. Še dodatno pa se doktorska disertacija opira na formalistični pristop natančnega branja. Ta novokritiška teorija omogoča interpretativno obravnavo posameznih pesmi in njihovih formalnih elementov, ki gradijo zgolj na zunanjih dokazih posamezne pesmi in ne upoštevajo ostalih kontekstov. S kombinacijo komparativnega (tematska kritika) in interpretativnega (nova kritika in natančno branje) pristopa doktorska disertacija analizira poezijo s formalističnega vidika, hkrati pa zaobjame tudi širši (zgodovinski) kontekst in variacije v odnosih v izbranih pesmih. Teza potrdi pričakovani rezultat, da so se sodobni ameriški pesniki v največji meri odmaknili od prevladujočega mnenja javnosti tedanjega časa o terorističnih napadih 11. septembra 2001. Poleg tega odzivi na 11. september v ameriški poeziji kot tudi odklon teh pesnikov od tedanje politike in njene propagande do sedaj še niso bili sistematično raziskani in obdelani, zato je tako zastavljeno delo inovativen prispevek k literarni vedi na področju ameriške književnosti in primerjalne književnosti. Sleherne značilnosti odzivov v ameriški poeziji, ki se nedvomno razlikujejo od odzivov celotne ameriške družbe, so opisane in pojasnjene v luči sodobne teorije.
Secondary keywords: disertacije;11. september 2001;sodobna ameriška poezija;odzivi;mediji;politika;kultura;kriza;travme;analiza vsebine;nova kritika;natančno branje;tematska kritika;
Type (COBISS): Dissertation
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za anglistiko in amerikanistiko
Pages: 215 str.
ID: 9170906
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