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Neža Hafner (Author), Matjaž Tratnik (Mentor)


V mednarodnem poslovanju so slovenski podjetniki vedno pogosteje udeleženi v franšiznih sistemih ameriških in evropskih podjetij. Njuno medsebojno sodelovanje odraža dogovor v obliki pogodbe o mednarodnem franšizingu. Pogodba je kompleksen pravni posel, ki ga slovenska zakonodaja posebej ne ureja in se je razvila iz poslovne prakse. V literaturi je zaslediti več različnih opredelitev pogodbe, zato je težko določiti njeno edinstveno definicijo. Franšizorji so običajno lastniki uspešnih, že utečenih poslovnih metod, ki jih za dogovorjeno plačilo odstopijo franšiziju. Ta se vključi v poslovni koncept franšizorja, ki mu nudi uporabo znanj, izkušenj ter ugleda, brez da bi ob tem moral vlagati v razvoj ali prevzemati določena tveganja. Pogodbeni stranki sta sicer samostojni podjetji, vendar je franšizor v ekonomsko močnejšem položaju, saj pogodba spada med vertikalne sporazume, za katere je značilno, da udeležena podjetja delujejo na različnih ravneh proizvodne ali distribucijske verige. Ekonomsko močnejši položaj franšizorja se kaže predvsem v tem, da je on tisti, ki narekuje pogoje posla, ki jih mora franšizij upoštevati, prav tako pa ima pravico do nadzora nad franšizijevim poslovanjem. Posledično je franšizij v podrejenem položaju, vezan na navodila franšizorja in ima tako manj prostora za ustvarjalnost. Franšizij mora zato še pred sklenitvijo pogodbe veliko pozornosti nameniti oceni tveganja, proučiti naravo franšizinga, pogodbene pravice in obveznosti strank ter razmerje po prenehanju pogodbe.


diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [N. Hafner]
UDC: 341.24(043.2)
COBISS: 5331243 Link will open in a new window
Views: 947
Downloads: 100
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: International franchising agreement
Secondary abstract: In international business the involvement of Slovenian enterpreneurs in the franchise system of American and European companies is becoming increasingly frequent. Their mutual cooperation is reflected in the agreement formed as international franchise agreement. The contract is a complex transaction, not specifically regulated by Slovenian legislation and has evolved from business practices. There are also several diferent definitions of the contract to be found in the literature, therefore it is difficult to determinate its unique definition. Franchisors usually own successful, already established business methods, which they tend to waive to the franchisee, in exchange for an agreed payment. The franchisee is included in the business concept of franchisor, which provides the use of knowledge, experience and reputation, without having the need to invest in the development or to take certain risks. The contract parties, however, are independent companies, but the franchisor is economically in a stronger position, as a contract falls under the vertical agreements, for which is typical that the participating companies operate at different levels of the production or distribution chain. Economically stronger position of the franchisor is mainly reflected in the fact that he is the one who dictates the terms of the business, which the franchisee must take into account. The franchisor also has the right to control the franschisee business. Consequently the franchisee is in a subordinate position, tied to the instruction of the franchisor and thus has less room for creativity. Therefore, before entering into the contract, the franchisee must consecrate a great deal of attention to the risk assesment, examine the nature of franchising, contractual rights and obligations of the parties and the relationship after the termination of the contract.
Secondary keywords: franchising;international franchise agreement;franchisor;franchisee;franchise;franchise package;vertical agreement;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 54 f.
ID: 9170959