diplomsko delo
Ana Mrzel (Author), Mojca Lipec-Stopar (Mentor)


Nezgodna poškodba glave je v današnjem svetu zelo pereč problem, saj je glavni vzrok umrljivosti in invalidnosti med mladimi. Ker je tovrstna poškodba vedno nepričakovana in nenadna, nanjo ni pripravljena nobena družina. Spopadanje s poškodbo in njenimi specifičnimi posledicami močno vpliva na kakovost življenja in funkcioniranja preživelega kot tudi njegovih svojcev. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge je predstavljena nezgodna poškodba glave, vedenjske in čustvene posledice poškodbe, oblike pomoči svojcem, težave, s katerimi se družine po poškodbi soočajo, ustanove, kamor so vključene osebe po poškodbi glave in dosedanje raziskave o potrebah svojcev. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika sem raziskala potrebe svojcev, ki se nanašajo na iskanje ustrezne profesionalne podpore pri skrbi za poškodovanega člana, na iskanje ter zadovoljstvo z razpoložljivimi viri pomoči. Skušala sem ugotoviti, v kolikšni meri so zadovoljni z dosegljivimi viri pomoči, kaj pogrešajo. Prav tako sem skušala ugotoviti, kakšne so potrebe ter zadovoljstvo svojcev v zvezi z rehabilitacijo. Ugotovila sem, da si svojci želijo različnih oblik pomoči, večjo dostopnost do obstoječih virov in boljšo informiranost o možni pomoči. Pogrešajo strokovno pomoč, ki bi bila namenjena izključno njim kot skrbnikom poškodovanega. Najpogosteje se izmed ponujenih virov poslužujejo spleta, in sicer raznih forumov in svetovalnic. Kljub trudu nekaterih strokovnjakov in institucij, so potrebe svojcev še vedno na drugem mestu, za poškodovančevimi; sistematično se z njimi ne ukvarjajo. V zaključku je na podlagi dobljenih izsledkov ankete podanih nekaj predlogov za izboljšanje možnosti zadovoljitev potreb svojcev poškodovanih oseb.


nezgodna poškodba glave;rehabilitacija;kognitivna rehabilitacija;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Mrzel]
UDC: 376(043.2)
COBISS: 11175497 Link will open in a new window
Views: 602
Downloads: 88
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Family needs after head injury
Secondary abstract: Nowadays head injuries are very serious problem because they are the main causes of death and disability among young people. Since this type of injury is always unexpected and sudden nobody is ready for it. Coping with the damage and its specific consequences have a significant impact on quality of life and functioning of the head injury survivors and his family. In the theoretical part of the thesis are presented head injuries, behavioral and emotional consequences of injuries, forms of assistance to the relatives, the difficulties that families face after injury, institutions for persons after head injury and previous researches about family needs. With the help of a questionnaire I researched family needs which relate to the search for an appropriate professional support in caring for the injured family member, the exploration for and satisfaction with available sources of assistance. I tried to find out how they are satisfied with available sources of assistance, what are they missing. I also tried to find out what are the needs and satisfaction of relatives in connection with rehabilitation. I have found that families want different forms of assistance, better access to existing resources and provide better information on the possible aid. They miss their own professional support. Most often they use the Internet, various forums and guidance counselors. Despite the efforts of some experts and institutions, the needs of relatives are still in second place after the needs of injured person; systematically their needs are not taken into consideration. In conclusion I made some suggestions to improve the options of meeting the needs of relatives of injured persons, based on our survey.
Secondary keywords: remedial instruction sciences;specialna pedagogika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. Ljubljana, Pedagoška fak., Specialna in rehabilitacijska pedagogika
Pages: VI, 115 str.
ID: 9171028