magistrsko delo
Gregor Dobrajc (Author), Simona Sternad (Mentor)


Danes se organizacije srečujejo z velikim številom strank, ki pa ne predstavljajo le vira dohodka, temveč tudi vir pridobivanja pomembnih podatkov za pripravo raznovrstnih marketinških kampanj in tržnega pozicioniranja. Naraščajoča konkurenca in preprosto prehajanje strank h konkurenci organizacije sili k tekmovalnosti pri tržnem boju ter posledično k posvečanju vedno večje pozornosti strankam. Organizacije se borijo za obstoj na trgu in tako povsod iščejo možnosti za doseganje konkurenčne prednosti. Količino podatkov je treba učinkovito upravljati in izkoristiti v iskanju prodajnih priložnosti in izboljšanju prodajnih procesov. Organizacije investirajo v uvedbo rešitev CRM za upravljanje odnosov s strankami, saj te podpirajo prodajne procese in vsebujejo marketinške funkcionalnosti za ohranjanje ter pridobivanje strank, kar v zadnjih letih skrbi za dinamičen poslovni razvoj. Organizacijam omogoča graditi kakovostne in dolgoročne odnose s strankami ter pomaga pri pridobivanju novih potencialnih strank. Sama uvedba rešitev organizaciji še ne zagotavlja poslovne uspešnosti, temveč daje podlago za dosego le-te. Tržni delež ponudnikov rešitev CRM je zelo gost, saj ti nudijo rešitve, namenjene organizacijam vseh velikosti. V zadnjem času so med organizacijami postale uveljavljene predvsem rešitve CRM v oblaku. Z uporabo oblačnih rešitev CRM uporabniki dostopajo do podatkov kjer koli in kadar koli, kar predstavlja eno izmed številnih prednosti oblačnih rešitev. V prvem sklopu magistrskega dela opredelimo pojem telefonije IP in značilnosti ter lastnosti sistema. V nadaljevanju predstavimo računalništvo v oblaku, opredelimo različne modele računalništva v oblaku, ponazorimo prednosti in slabosti ter obravnavamo pomembnost varnosti. Obravnavamo tudi vpliv upravljanja odnosov s strankami na organizacije. V drugem sklopu podrobno predstavimo telefonski sistem IP 3CX in rešitev CRM Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Microsoft Dynamics CRM predstavlja v zadnjih letih vedno bolj tržno uveljavljeno rešitev, ki uporabnikom nudi poslovno uspešnost na zahtevnem gospodarskem trgu. 3CX predstavlja telefonski sistem IP, s pomočjo katerega uporabniki izkoriščajo potencialne prednosti in funkcionalnosti sistema. Telefonija IP postopoma izpodriva klasično telefonijo, saj organizacijam predstavlja sodobnejši in stroškovno prilagodljivejši sistem. Integracija telefonskega sistema 3CX in rešitve Microsoft Dynamics CRM usmerja organizacije k učinkovitejšemu in konstruktivnemu pristopu do strank in izvajanju poslovnih aktivnosti.


računalništvo;računalništvo v oblaku;IP telefonija;informacijske rešitve;odnosi s strankami;CRM;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [G. Dobrajc]
UDC: 004.77:621.395(043.2)
COBISS: 12550684 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1162
Downloads: 110
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Integration of CRM cloud solution with IP phone system
Secondary abstract: Today, organizations are faced with a large number of customers who do not only represent source of income, but also a source of important data for the preparation of a variety of marketing campaigns and market positioning. Increasing competition and the easy switching customers to the competition, forces organizations to fight competition on the market and consequently paying more attention to customers. Organizations are struggling to survive on the market and are constantly looking for opportunities to achieve competitive advantage. The amount of data needs to be effectively managed and utilized for search of sales opportunities and improving sales processes. Organizations invest in the introduction of CRM solutions for customer relationship management, since they support the sales processes and include marketing functionalities to maintain or search for new customers, which in recent years ensures a dynamic business development. It enables organizations to build high-quality and long-term relationships with customers, and helps to attract new potential customers. The actual integration of the solution does not guarantee business success, but provides the basis for achieving it. The market share of vendors of CRM solutions is very high, as they provide solutions aimed at organizations of all sizes. Recently, CRM solutions in the cloud became established among organisations. CRM cloud solutions allow users to access information anytime and anywhere, which is one of the many advantages of cloud solutions. In the first part of the master's thesis, we define the concept of IP telephony features and characteristics of the system. Afterwards we present the cloud computing model to identify various cloud computing, illustrate the advantages and disadvantages as well as discuss the importance of security. We also address the impact of customer relationship management in the organization. The second section of the thesis presents in detail the IP phone system 3CX CRM and the Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution. Microsoft Dynamics CRM recently represents an increasingly established solution that offers users a business performance in a challenging economic market. 3CX represents the IP telephone system through which users take advantage of the potential benefits and functionality of the system. IP telephony is gradually displacing traditional telephony, since it offers a more modern and cost wise a more flexible system to organizations. Integration of the 3CX phone system and Microsoft Dynamics CRM directs organizations towards a more efficient and constructive approach to customers and towards the implementation of business activities.
Secondary keywords: IP telephony;3CX;cloud computing;customer relationship management;Microsoft Dynamics CRM.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: II, 65 str.
ID: 9171175