diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Tjaša Alegro (Author), Maja Turnšek (Mentor)


Interpretacija v turizmu predstavlja pomemben del celotne turistične izkušnje obiskovalca in vpliva na trajnostni razvoj turizma. Interpretacija kulturne dediščine navadno poteka v obliki osebne ali neosebne komunikacije. Naredili smo preliminarno raziskavo dveh oblik interpretacije – osebne in avdio posredovane interpretacije, ki sta na voljo obiskovalcem na gradu Rajhenburg. Želeli smo izvedeti, katera izmed interpretacij je uspešnejša pri spodbujanju pozitivnih stališč, spodbujanju znanja o kulturni dediščini gradu Rajhenburg in povečanju zadovoljstva obiskovalcev z obiskom gradu. Z analizo anketnih vprašalnikov, ki so jih obiskovalci reševali pred ogledom gradu Rajhenburg in po njem, smo ugotovili, da obe vrsti interpretacije spodbujata pozitivna stališča in znanja o kulturni dediščini ter povečujeta zadovoljstvo gostov z obiskom gradu Rajhenburg. Zaradi nereprezentativnega vzorca ne moremo izpostaviti ene izmed interpretacij kot učinkovitejšo. Trend rezultatov nakazuje, da bi se ob večjem vzorcu avdio posredovana interpretacija lahko izkazala za uspešnejšo.


kulturna dediščina;gradovi;turizem;komunikacija;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FT - Faculty of Tourism
Publisher: [T. Alegro]
UDC: 338.483.13(043.2)
COBISS: 2048162131 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1675
Downloads: 397
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Interpretation of cultural heritage at the Rajhenburg castle
Secondary abstract: Interpretation in tourism represents an important part of a whole tourist experience of a visitor, and influences a sustainable development of tourism. Interpretation of cultural heritage usually takes place in a form of personal or impersonal communication. We made a preliminary research of two forms of interpretation – personal and audio transmitted interpretation that are available for visitors at Rajhenburg castle. We wanted to establish which of the interpretations is more successful in promotion of positive attitudes, promotion of knowledge on cultural heritage of the Rajhenburg castle, and increase in satisfaction of the visitors with the visit of the castle. With the analysis of the questionnaires that were filled in by the visitor prior and after the sightseeing of the Rajhenburg castle, we established that both types of interpretations promote positive attitudes and knowledge on cultural heritage, and increase satisfaction of guests with visit of the Rajhenburg castle. Due to the non-representative sample, we cannot point out one of the interpretations as more effective. The trend of results indicates that in the case of a larger sample, the audio transmitted interpretation could prove to be more successful.
Secondary keywords: interpretation;cultural heritage;personal communication;impersonal communication;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za turizem
Pages: VII, 65, IX f.
ID: 9171441