magistrsko delo
Monika Skela (Author), Tadeja Kocmut (Author), Tina Vršnik Perše (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo z naslovom Nudenje individualne pomoči dijakinji s posebnimi potrebami v dijaškem domu je empirično magistrsko delo. Namen dela je analiza študije primera izvajanja in spremljanja prostovoljne dodatne strokovne pomoči za dijakinjo s posebnimi potrebami, ki obiskuje 3. letnik srednje poklicne šole. Pri raziskovanju so bile uporabljene metode študije primera, vprašalnik v obliki ocenjevalne lestvice in opazovalno-praktična metoda raziskovanja. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da je dijakinja komunikativna le v določenih družbenih okoljih ter da ima težave z izražanjem čustev in vživljanjem v čustva drugih. Pri ozaveščanju socialne komunikacije in interakcije je bila uporabljena strategija pogovora in modifikacija iracionalnih prepričanj. Izkazalo se je, da ima dijakinja težave pri načrtovanju svojih dejavnosti in časa, kar jo ovira pri izpolnjevanju šolskih obveznosti. Kot najboljši pristop se je izkazal tutor ali svetovalec, ki usmerja njeno delo v postavljanje prioritet. Raziskava je pokazala še, da dijakinja le včasih bere z razumevanjem in malokrat bere tekoče, večinoma pa se izogiba pisanju in se raje izraža ustno. Pri delu vedno potrebuje dodatno razlago in navodila, ob tem pa skoraj vedno tudi konkretne ponazoritve. Na področju disleksije so se kot najbolj učinkovite strategije izkazale strategija glasnega branja, metoda Vem - Želim izvedeti - Sem se naučil, strategija za razumevanje bistva, Paukova strategija ter strategija miselnega vzorca. Dijakinja je z uporabo ustreznih metod, didaktičnih pristopov in strategij dela izboljšala učni uspeh, napredovala na socialnem in učnem področju ter ob pomoči nekoliko izboljšala sposobnost organizacije in razporejanja časa.


magistrska dela;dodatna strokovna pomoč;disleksija;Aspergerjev sindrom;dijaški domovi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Skela
UDC: 376(043.2)
COBISS: 22738184 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1377
Downloads: 164
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The master's thesis Providing individual support to the student with special needs in student dormitory is an empirical master's thesis. The purpose of the thesis is to analyse a case study regarding the implementation and monitoring of voluntary, supplementary professional help for a student with special needs attending the third year at a vocational school. The research methods used were a case study, a questionnaire in the form of a grading scale, and a research method based on observation and practical approach. It was determined that the student is communicative only in certain social environments and has difficulties expressing emotions and empathy. The strategies used for raising awareness of social communication and interaction were dialogue and modification of irrational beliefs. It turned out that the student has difficulties planning her activities and managing her time which hinders her ability to fulfil her school-work related activities. The best approach proved to be a tutor or counsellor who provides guidance in order for her to be able to set work-related priorities. The research also showed that the student rarely reads and understands what was read, and hardly ever reads fluently and, in most cases, prefers verbal over written communication. When doing school-work, she always requires additional explaining and instructions which nearly always need to be accompanied by specific examples. With regards to dyslexia, the most effective strategies for managing it proved to be reading aloud, the Know - Want to Know - Learnt strategy, the strategy of comprehension, Pauk's strategy, and the spider diagram strategy. By utilizing various methods, didactic approaches, and work strategies, the student was able to improve upon her learning performance, make advancements in social and learning area, and, with some help, improve her time-management skills to a certain degree.
Secondary keywords: master theses;supplementary professional help;dyslexia;Asperger syndrome;student dormitories;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za temeljne pedagoške predmete
Pages: 188 str., [36] str. pril.
ID: 9171510