dispozicija zgradb in drugih prostorskih ureditev na planšarijah
Lea Divjak Radivojević (Author), Andrej Pogačnik (Mentor), Anton Prosen (Thesis defence commission member), Živa Deu (Thesis defence commission member), Davorin Gazvoda (Thesis defence commission member)


Planšarska naselja oz. planšarije predstavljajo pomemben del poselitvene strukture, značilen predvsem za visokogorska območja Slovenije. S svojo arhaično podobo nam nudijo vpogled v daljno preteklost in kot take predstavljajo pomemben vir informacij o najbolj zgodnjih začetkih poselitve v našem prostoru. V zadnjih letih so številne planšarije podvržene spremembam v stalna ali počitniška naselja, nekatere tudi nezadržno propadajo, s čimer se vse bolj izgublja njihova pričevalna vrednost. V magistrski nalogi na primeru 15 planšarskih naselij s področja Julijskih in Kamniških Alp podrobneje analiziramo glavne dejavnike, ki so vplivali na izbor lokacij planšarskih naselij, prostorsko organizacijo, obliko stavbne tipologije, ureditev dostopov in povezav znotraj posameznega naselja ter povezav s pašnimi površinami. Z analizo posameznega naselja ugotavljamo, v kolikšni meri na organizacijo planšarskih naselij, poleg naravnih danosti in ekoloških dejavnikov, vplivajo tudi družbeno socialni dejavniki ter kakšna je razmejitev med funkcionalnostjo in načrtnim oblikovanjem takih naselij. Glede na podatke, pridobljene s pomočjo analize ter pregleda področne literature in veljavne zakonodaje, podajamo možnosti za nadaljnje urejanje planšarij.


geodezija;magistrska dela;planinsko pašništvo;planšarstvo;planine;kulturna krajina;pastirsko bivališče;začasno bivališče;pastirji;stavbna dediščina;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [L. Divjak Radivojević]
UDC: 728.61:633.2.032.3:711.3(043.3)
COBISS: 7608161 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2345
Downloads: 531
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Spatial arrangement of Alpine dairy farming settlements
Secondary abstract: The alpine dairy farming settlements or alpine dairy farms represent an important part of the settlement structure characteristic mainly for Slovenian mountains. With their archaic image the alpine dairy farms offer an insight into the distant past and are as such an important source of information about the first settlements on our territory. In the past years a number of alpine dairy farms has undergone a transformation into permanent settlements or holiday resorts, some are even falling apart and are therefore losing their historical value. Using the examples of 15 alpine dairy farming settlements from Julian and Kamnik Alps this dissertation analyses the major factors that have impacted the choice of location for the farming settlements, their spatial arrangement, the building typology, the arrangement of accesses and connections inside each settlement, and their connections with pastures. By analysing each settlement, the dissertation researches to what degree the arrangement of the alpine dairy farming settlements has been impacted not only by natural resources and ecological factors but also by social factors; it also tries to define the boundaries between the functionality and the planned forming of such settlements. Using the data acquired with the analyses and the research of local literature and current legislation the dissertation also presents suggestions for further regulations of alpine dairy farms.
Secondary keywords: geodesy;master of science thesis;mountain pastoral farming;alpine dairy farming;mountains;cultural landscape;log hut;temporary accommodation;herdsmen;architectural heritage;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XX, 156 str.
ID: 9171850
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