magistrsko delo
Jure Šimic (Author), Andrej Kryžanowski (Mentor), Matjaž Četina (Thesis defence commission member), Aleš Mlakar (Thesis defence commission member), Mitja Brilly (Thesis defence commission member), Tomo Cerovšek (Co-mentor)


Pri velikih projektih državnega pomena je potrebno pri prostorskem umeščanju v prostor izvesti državni prostorski načrt - DPN. Omenjen postopek je predpisan z Zakonom o urejanju prostorskih ureditev državnega pomena v prostor - ZUPUDPP ter zajema tudi zakonske in podzakonske akte drugih vsebin. V magistrski nalogi je izdelan diagram procesa poteka postopka DPN , ki opredeljuje posamezne aktivnosti ter udeležence v samem postopku v skladu z zakonskimi akti. V izdelanem diagramu procesa so zajete tudi ostale aktivnosti priprave projektne in investicijske dokumentacije, strokovnih podlag, izvajanja komunikacije na projektu, itd. Z določitvijo vseh potrebnih aktivnosti v diagramu procesa prostorskega načrtovanja ureditev državnega pomena, se je v nalogi izvedelo tudi modeliranje celotnega procesa s programom IDEF0. Namen modeliranja je prikaz samega postopka na bolj pregleden način (drevesno razvejana struktura) in približati razumevanje celotnega procesa vsem udeležencem v postopku DPN. Poleg samega razumevanja in poznavanja samega postopka pa je, za investitorja zelo pomembno načrtovanje (časovno in finančno) samega postopka DPN. V ta namen se je izdelal terminski plan v programu Microsoft Project, ki zajema predviden čas trajanja posamezne aktivnosti in celotnega postopka DPN ter s tem povezane stroške. Omenjen pristop pa ne zajema morebitnih dodatnih (nepričakovanih) vplivov na posamezno aktivnost (morebitni razlogi za podaljšanje posamezne aktivnosti), zato je v magistrski nalogi izdelan tudi primerjalni terminski plan (skupaj z oceno stroškov) v programu Primavera, ki omogoča podajanje gibljivih rokov zaključka posamezne aktivnosti, s podajo verjetnosti zaključka aktivnosti na posamezni dan. S primerjavo rezultatov terminskega in finančnega načrtovanja s programom Microsoft Project in programom Primavera je podan prikaz vpliva posameznih nepričakovanih vplivov na dolžino trajanja postopka DPN kot tudi spremembo finančnih obveznosti iz tega naslova.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;prostorsko umeščanje;državni prostorski načrt;HE na srednji Savi;Primavera;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [J. Šimic]
UDC: 65.01/.07:69.008(043.2)
COBISS: 7613537 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2069
Downloads: 685
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of the process of spatial planning of hydropower plants on the Middle Sava River with an example of optimizing project management by using the Primavera software
Secondary abstract: For large projects of national importance, a spatial plan of national importance has to be prepared before siting can be conducted. This procedure is prescribed in Spatial planning Arrangements of National Importance Act, and also includes legislative acts and executive regulations related to other fields. Due to the complexity of the process, the master’s thesis includes a process diagram defining different activities crucial for preparing a spatial plan of national importance as well as the stakeholders involved in the procedure. The process diagram also includes all other (non-legislative) procedures of siting and environmental planning, in addition to activities connected with the preparation of project documentation and investment documentation, expert guidelines, implementation of project communication, etc. After defining the necessary activities in the process diagram for the spatial arrangements of national importance, the entire procedure was modelled using the IDEF0 diagram software. This was done to present the procedure more comprehensively (a tree diagram), thus making the entire process more comprehensible to all the stakeholders involved in the spatial plan of national importance. In addition to understanding the procedure, an investor also has to be familiar with the time scheduling and financial planning of the process. Therefore, we designed a time schedule with the Microsoft Project software where the estimated duration of each activity and the entire procedure of preparing a spatial plan of national importance are presented, as well as all incurring costs. However, the described approach does not include the possibility of additional (unexpected) influences on each activity (possible reasons an activity would take longer than planned), which is why the thesis also includes a comparative time schedule (together with the estimated costs) obtained with the Primavera software solution, enabling flexible deadlines for each activity and providing the probability of activity completion by a given date. A comparison of the results for time scheduling and financial planning obtained with Microsoft Project and Primavera solutions illustrates the influence of unexpected events on the duration of preparing a spatial plan of national importance, and the resulting differences in the estimated costs.
Secondary keywords: master of science thesis;spatial planning;national spatial planning;HP on middle Sava river;Primavera;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XXI, 108 str., 4 pril.
ID: 9174293