magistrsko delo
Magistrsko delo obravnava ureditev strokovnega usposabljanja kandidatov za detektive. Zakon o detektivski dejavnosti iz leta 2011 določa, da se posamezniki, ki bi želeli opravljati poklic detektiva, obvezno predhodno strokovno usposobijo po določenem programu. V letu 2013 je bil prvič izveden program strokovnega usposabljanja. Glavne pripombe na program usposabljanja so, da kandidati na usposabljanju še vedno ne prejmejo dovolj praktičnih znanj. Analiza programa strokovnega usposabljanja namreč pokaže, da gre za zelo kratke oblike usposabljanja. Program ni dovolj celovit, obsežen in časovno ustrezen. Ravno zaradi tega je tudi vsebinsko precej skop. Mnenja glede možnih sprememb so podali tudi detektivi in predavatelji na strokovnem usposabljanju. Med predlogi so povečanje časovnega obsega usposabljanja in dopolnitev le-tega s praktičnim udejstvovanjem, delovne izkušnje kot pogoj za opravljanje detektivske dejavnosti in obvezno pripravništvo kandidatov. Iz raziskave, opravljene za potrebe magistrskega dela, izhaja, da se težava pri prenosu teorije v prakso največkrat pojavi pri mlajših kandidatih in kandidatih brez predhodnih izkušenj s podobnih področij. Zato smo predstavili predlog, da bi na Fakulteti za varnostne vede pripravili študijski program, ki bi študente pripravil na detektivski poklic. Takšen predlog ima kar nekaj prednosti. Zaradi povečanja časovnega obsega bi lahko namreč vse predmete dodobra predstavili in program dopolnili z zadostnim naborom uporabnih znanj ter s praktičnim udejstvovanjem v obliki raznih vaj. Prav tako bi lahko določili obvezno študijsko prakso, kjer bi študentje pridobili izkušnje s terena. Predlogi, ki smo jih predstavili, so osnova za razmislek o spremembah na področju strokovnega usposabljanja kandidatov za detektive, ki bi prinesle želene spremembe.
detektivska dejavnost;detektivi;izpopolnjevanje;usposabljanje;pripravništvo;detektivski izpiti;Slovenija;magistrska dela;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice |
Publisher: |
D. Juhart] |
UDC: |
351.746.2(497.4)(043.2) |
Views: |
1008 |
Downloads: |
134 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Regulation of professional training and development in the field of private investigation in the Republic of Slovenia |
Secondary abstract: |
The master`s thesis deals with the regime of professional training of detective candidates. The Detective Activities Act of 2011 specifies that individuals who wish to pursue the profession of a detective have to pass mandatory professional training according to a specific program. The professional training program was first implemented in 2013. The main comments on the training program are that even after the training candidates do not receive enough practical skills. Analysis of the professional training program shows that this is a very short form of training. The program is not comprehensive, extensive and timely enough. That is why it also has a very vague content. Opinions on the possible changes were given also by the detectives and lecturers at the professional training. Proposals include the increase of the time scale of the training and its complement with practical engagement, work experience as a condition to carry out detective activity and mandatory internship of candidates. Research carried out for the needs of this master`s thesis shows that the problem in the transfer of theory into practice often occurs in younger candidates and candidates without prior experience in similar fields. Therefore, we presented a proposal to prepare a study program at the Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security that would prepare students for the detective profession. Such proposal has several advantages. The increased timescale would enable thorough presentation of all subjects and expansion of the program with a sufficient range of skills and practical engagement in the form of various exercises. It would also be possible to carry out mandatory practice, where students would gain experience from the field. Proposals that we presented are the basis for the reflection on changes in the field of professional training of detective candidates that would bring the desired changes. |
Secondary keywords: |
detective;professional training and development;detective candidates;detective activity;internship;regulated activity;detective exam; |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana |
Pages: |
101 str. |
ID: |
9175328 |