diplomsko delo


V svojem diplomskem delu se sprašujem o problematiki, ki jo zajema vmesno polje med umetniško in industrijsko grafiko. Ob današnji svobodi različnih medijev, med katerimi se bliskovito hitro širi digitalni svet, skušamo definirati položaj grafike v sedanjosti. V svojem diplomskem delu se opiram na temelje klasične grafike, v tradicionalnih tehnikah globokega tiska, in na možnosti, ki nam jo nudi industrijska grafika. Sprašujem se o aktualnih vprašanjih, kot so: kaj je avtorska grafika, kakšne so razlike med umetniško in industrijsko grafiko, predvsem pa me zanima povezava obeh. S temi vprašanji se ukvarja, teoretičarka na polju sodobne umetniške grafike, Susan Tallman, ki avtorski grafiki daje več prostora in svobode v smislu dimenzij, mešanih tehnik, avtorjevi prisotnosti pri ustvarjanju grafike itn. V praktičnem delu diplomske naloge izhajam iz fotografije, ki jo računalniško primerno obdelam, in prenesem v klasično tehniko globokega tiska. Umetniško grafiko nadgradim še v tehnikah industrijske grafike, katere nato dopolnjujem in nadgrajujem. Končni izdelek je grafična mapa, narejena s prepletanjem obeh medijev. Poskušam torej najbolje prevesti avtorsko, umetniško grafiko, ki ima svoje posebnosti, v industrijsko obdelano grafiko. Pri tem me zanima, kaj umetniška grafika izgubi in kaj pridobi. V pedagoškem delu opišem delo z učenci prvih dveh razredov, kjer ustvarimo grafike v klasični tehniki.


industrijska grafika;umetniška grafika;reprodukcija;papir;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Petrovčič]
UDC: 76(043.2)
COBISS: 11233609 Link will open in a new window
Views: 741
Downloads: 129
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: From artistic graphics to industrial graphics
Secondary abstract: This thesis deals with the grey area between traditional and industrial printmaking. The purpose is to discuss the current position of printmaking in the midst of the freedom of countless different media, especially digital media. It is based on the principles of classic printmaking, traditional gravure printing and the possibilities offered by industrial printmaking. Currently relevant questions are: what is an original print, what are the differences between traditional and industrial prints and what is the connection between them. Susan Tallman, a contemporary printmedia theoretician, discusses similar issues and also attaches more freedom to printmedia in terms of dimensions, mixed techniques, the presence of the author in the creative process etc. As for the practical part of the thesis, it is based on a picture that was edited and then transposed to classic gravure printing. The traditional print is first enhanced using industrial techniques and then processed further. The final product is a portfolio of mixed print media, which means that the purpose is to translate the original print with all of its specific features into an industrial print. The main question is what does the original print lose and gain in this process. As for the pedagogical part, it touches on the work with first and second grade students creating classic prints.
Secondary keywords: graphic arts;grafika;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Pages: 60 str.
ID: 9176578
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