magistrsko delo
Branka Bračič-Železnik (Author), Mitja Brilly (Mentor), Mojca Šraj (Thesis defence commission member), Željko Vukelič (Thesis defence commission member), Matjaž Četina (Thesis defence commission member), Goran Vižintin (Co-mentor)


Leta 1981 je bila v sistem javne oskrbe s pitno vodo vključena vodarna Brest, ki zajema podzemno vodo Iškega vršaja na različnih globinah. Onesnaženja podzemne vode s pesticidi in drugimi onesnaževali so vodila k spremembi režima črpanja in sicer tako, da so daljša obdobja pretežno delovali plitvi vodnjaka, ob problemih glede količin ali kakovosti v plitvih vodnjakih, pa je bil poudarek na črpanju iz globokih vodnjakov. Leta 2009 je bil izveden enomesečni črpalni poskus na VD Brest 1a z namenom, da se ugotovi dinamika podzemne vode pri različnih kombinacijah delovanja plitvih in globokih vodnjakov. Na osnovi zbranih podatkov so bili narejeni izračuni parametrov vodonosnika, kot so transmisivnost, koeficient elastičnega uskladiščenja, izgube v vodonosniku in spremembe gradientov podzemne vode. Izračuni in spremembe fizikalno-kemijskih parametrov v obdobju črpalnega poskusa zavračajo konceptualni model vodonosnikov Ljubljanskega barja, po katerem sta spodnji in zgornji pleistocenski vodonosnik med seboj ločena z glinasto plastjo in med njima ni hidravlične povezave. Analiza podatkov je pokazala, da vodonosniki na območju Iškega vršaja zelo hitro odreagirajo tako na ekstremne vremenske razmere, kakor tudi na človekove posege. Črpanje iz različnih vodonosnikov vpliva na spremembe gradientov, kar ima za posledico prenos onesnaževal iz zgornjih holocenskih plasti v spodaj ležeče pleistocenske vodonosne plasti. Nižanje koncentracij DAT v VD Brest 9 je posledica spremembe gradienta v smeri vodnjaka VD Brest 1a in kaže na hidrodinamično povezavo med holocenskim, zgornje pleistocenskim in spodnje pleistocenskim vodonosnikom.


gradbeništvo;hidrotehnika;magistrski študij gradbeništva hidrotehnična smer;podzemna voda;onesnaženje;pesticidi;konceptualni model;črpalni poskus;vodonosnik;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [A. Bračič Železnik]
UDC: 556.3(043.3)
COBISS: 7647585 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2457
Downloads: 730
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: The groundwater dynamics of the aquifer system at Iška fan
Secondary abstract: The water field Brest is in production since 1981, from where groundwater is abstracted from different depths through a series of 10 shallow wells. Pesticides and other contaminants present in the groundwater caused a change in the pumping regime. In the 2009 a pumping test was performed. Groundwater was abstracted for one month with the aim to define the groundwater dynamics with the combination of different pumping regimes from shallow and deep wells. Based on the measured data some of the aquifer parameters were calculated, such as transmissivity, the coefficient of storage and groundwater gradient changes. The calculations and changes of physical-chemical parameters of groundwater in the time of the pumping test reject the conceptual model of the Ljubljansko barje aquifers because the upper and lower Pleistocene aquifers are separated by a layer of clay and there is no hydraulic connectivity between them. The data analysis confirms that the aquifers of Iška fan are very sensitive to extreme weather conditions as well as to human impacts. The groundwater abstraction from different aquifers influences the groundwater gradient which can cause the pollutant transport from the upper Holocene aquifer to the underlying Pleistocene upper and lower aquifers. Lower DAT concentrations in the shallow well VD Brest 9 is a consequence of groundwater gradient change in the direction towards well VD Brest 1 and indicates to the hydrodynamic connection between the Holocene, the upper Pleistocene and the lower Pleistocene aquifer.
Secondary keywords: groundwater;pollution;pesticides;conceptual model;pumping test;aquifer;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XI, 58 str.
ID: 9179801