Secondary abstract: |
Tax evasion mean, for many years, a lot of damage to the fiscal budgets, for the countries around the world. Different countries have different tax rates, which is the cause of irregularities in tax payment and tax evasions. Some countries have zero or minimal tax rates in order to attract foreign capital. These countries are known as tax havens. Tax evasions, that are presented today, mean on one hand intensive growth of profit at some companies and individuals, on the other hand, the countries and their public sectors, suffers from lack of profit, combine with it's citizens. In Bloomberg reports is presented technique of tax avidance and tax evasion, by multinational technology company Google. Google maximizes it's profit with cunningly technique, known among the lawers, as »Duble Irish and Dutch Sandwich«, which circumventing tax systems in the European Union and in United States of America, then, high ammount of tax-free or minimal taxed money is sent to Bermuda.
We have found, that tax evasion, can be done, due to lack of cooperation between tax authorities in the tax havens, with other authorities in the world. Among them, there is also poor exchange of informations. Breach of secrecy by the bank or tax officials in Offshore areas is strictly punished. European Commission has presented numbers of recommendations and amendments to the law, which are essential, for an effective fight against tax evasion. To continue the fight, the essential thing, is to cooperate at the global level, joint operations of tax authorities are essential, effective control of tax authorities in the countries and help to developing countries, to build effective tax service and helping them with technical assistance. |