diplomsko delo
Matija Lapuh (Author), Roman Makše (Mentor), Robert Potočnik (Co-mentor)


V diplomskem delu z naslovom Prostori zvočnosti v likovni umetnosti se ukvarjam z raziskovanjem različnih načinov uporabe zvoka v kontekstu likovne umetnosti oziroma galerijskih umetnosti. Skozi zgodovino likovne umetnosti 20. stoletja poskušam najti in predstaviti različne vzroke za nastanek zvočnih instalacij, kakršne poznamo danes, ter osvetliti različne umetnike in umetniška gibanja, ki so v svoja umetniška dela vključevali zvočne elemente. Skozi analizo teh specifičnih umetniških del poskušam predstaviti formalne in konceptualne potenciale, ki jih nudi uporaba zvočnega materiala v okviru umetnosti. Zvočne instalacije in drugi derivati zvočne umetnosti v bistvu spadajo v domeno intermedijske umetnosti, zato na začetku teoretičnega dela na kratko predstavim intermedijsko umetnost. Zaradi narave lastnega avtorskega dela je na začetku poleg intermedijske umetnosti predstavljena tudi interaktivna umetnost. Zvok v lastnem avtorskem delu uporabljam kot enakovreden kiparski material in hkrati kot konceptualno orodje. V praktičnem delu diplome tako predstavim nekaj svojih del, v katera so inkorporirani zvočni elementi, ter na kratko opišem tako osnovne idejne koncepte, kot tudi materialne ter tehnične rešitve za posamezno delo. V pedagoškem delu diplome se osredotočim na sodobno intermedijsko umetnost in uporabo novih tehnologij znotraj likovnopedagoškega procesa ter problematiziram precejšno odsotnost sodobne umetnosti v učnem načrtu likovne vzgoje. Na podlagi tega izdelam učno pripravo za likovno delavnico, na kateri učenci spoznajo sodobne ustvarjalne pristope v umetniški produkciji ter se seznanijo z večmedijskim ustvarjanjem.


zvočna umetnost;zvočna instalacija;intermedijska umetnost;zvok v likovni umetnosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Lapuh]
UDC: 7(043.2)
COBISS: 11271753 Link will open in a new window
Views: 807
Downloads: 146
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Sonic spaces in visual art
Secondary abstract: In the diploma thesis entitled Sonic Spaces in Visual Art, I explore various ways of using sound within the context of visual art and gallery art. Through the history of 20th century art, I try to find and present the different causes for the creation of sound installations, as we know them today, and to highlight the various artists and artistic movements that include audio elements in their works. Through the analysis of these specific artworks, I try to present the formal and conceptual potentials offered by the use of audio material in the context of art. As sound installations and other derivatives of sound art essentially fall within the domain of intermedia art, I briefly introduce intermedia art at the beginning of the theoretical part. Due to the nature of my own artwork, I explore not only intermedia art, but also interactive art. In my own artwork, I use sound as an equal sculptural material and at the same time as a conceptual tool. The practical part of the diploma thesis therefore presents some of my works, which incorporate sound elements, and briefly describes the basic concept of the projects, as well as material and technical solutions for specific works. The pedagogical part of the diploma thesis concentrates on contemporary intermedia art and the use of new technologies within the educational process. I also discuss the substantial absence of contemporary art in the curriculum for art education. Based on this, I create a lesson plan for an art workshop where students learn about contemporary creative approaches in artistic production and familiarize themselves with the creation of multimedia art.
Secondary keywords: fine arts;sound;likovna umetnost;zvok;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Likovna pedagogika
Pages: 105 str.
ID: 9213949
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