diplomsko delo univerzitetnega študija
Kristjan Gomboc (Author), Roman Gumzej (Mentor), Iztok Potrč (Co-mentor)


Stroški skladiščenja večine podjetij danes predstavljajo približno 20-odstotni delež vseh logističnih stroškov, v skladiščih pa med 55 in 65 odstotki stroškov povzroča že samo nabiranje artiklov. Tehnologija obogatene resničnosti na tem področju prinaša velik potencial, saj lahko bistveno pripomore k izboljševanju logističnega sistema. V diplomskem delu analiziramo trenutno stanje tehnologije obogatene resničnosti ter procese in rezultate različnih poskusov njene vpeljave v skladiščno poslovanje. Osrednja kriterija, na katera se opiramo pri primerjavi, sta porabljeni čas in število napak v logističnem postopku komisioniranja. S tem želimo ugotoviti, ali je tehnologija obogatene resničnosti pripravljena za splošno adaptacijo v procesu komisioniranja, kakšne so njene prednosti in slabosti ter podati napotke za nadaljnje korake.


skladiščenje;skladiščno poslovanje;komisioniranje;nove tehnologije;logistika;diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [K. Gomboc]
UDC: 338
COBISS: 512824893 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1300
Downloads: 133
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Benefits of augmented reality applications in warehouse logistics
Secondary abstract: Storage costs in the majority of companies represent approximately 20 percent of all logistic costs. In warehouses, however, 55–65 percent of the costs result from product accumulation. Augmented reality has considerable potential in improving warehouse logistics. This thesis analyses the current state of augmented reality as a supporting technology and explores the processes and results of different attempts to introduce them in warehouse order picking operations. The main criteria used in the comparison are the time spent and the number of errors made in order picking. The goal is to determine whether augmented reality is ready to be generally adopted in the order picking process, what are its advantages, disadvantages, and suggest future steps.
Secondary keywords: warehousing;storage operations;order picking;new technologies;logistics;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: IX, 44 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 9219491
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