diplomska naloga
Janez Draksler (Author), Tomaž Maher (Mentor), Janko Logar (Thesis defence commission member), Peter Lipar (Thesis defence commission member)


Načrtovanje novih in rekonstrukcije obstoječih križišč je zahtevna naloga, ki sledi splošnim uveljavljenim analitičnim postopkom preverbe ustreznosti obstoječih in novih predvidenih ureditev. Poseg v ureditev križišča zahteva detajlno preučitev trenutnih razmer in razmer ob koncu planske dobe objekta. Ker analitični postopki v velikih primerih ne prikažejo realne slike dejanskega stanja v prometu in vplivov posegov v ureditve križišč na prometne tokove, so bile dodatno razvite simulacijske metode analize prometa. Z željo, da bi operirali s čim bolj natančnimi podatki o vplivu sprememb geometrije križišč na prometne tokove v križiščih, se tako vedno več poslužujemo izdelave prometnih simulacij. V današnji digitalni dobi se na trgu pojavlja veliko programskih orodij, kateri poleg analitičnih analiz ponujajo tudi možnost izdelave simulacije odvijanja prometa. Kljub različnim metodam, ki jih uporabljajo programska orodja, bi pričakovali, da njihovi rezultati pokažejo enake probleme v prometnih tokovih. Ta diplomska naloga medsebojno primerja dve pogosto uporabljeni programski orodji za izdelavo prometnih simulacij. Primerjavo smo izdelali na dejanskem križišču v Ljubljani. Naloga na kratko opiše modele posameznega programskega orodja ter za obravnavano križišče podaja primerjavo med dolžinami povprečnih kolon in primerjavo zamud za različne ureditve križišča v trenutnem času in času po planski dobi objekta.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;konfliktno območje;časovna vrzel;sprednja vrzel;zadnja vrzel;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [J. Draksler]
UDC: 625.739(043.2)
COBISS: 7702881 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1589
Downloads: 494
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of modern software tools for modeling intersections
Secondary abstract: Design of new and reconstruction of existing crossings is a complex task that follows the general procedure of verification established analytical suitability of existing and planned new arrangements. Interference in the organization of the intersection requires a detailed examination of the current situation and the situation at the end of the planning period of the facility. Since analytical proceed in many cases do not show the real picture of the actual traffic conditions and the impact of interventions in the organization of the crossings to traffic flows were further developed simulation methods of traffic analysis. With the desire to surgery with the most accurate information on the impact of changes in the geometry of intersections on traffic flows at intersections, so we use more and more manufacturing traffic simulations. In today's digital age, the market appears a lot of software tools which offer in addition to the analytical analysis of the possibility of making simulations of traffic. Despite the different methods used by software tools, one would expect that their results show the same problems in the traffic flows. This thesis mutually comparing two commonly used software tools for the manufacture of traffic simulations. A comparison was made in a real crossroads in Ljubljana. The task of a brief description of each programming models and tools for the current intersection provides a comparison between the average lengths of queues and delays for comparing different arrangements junction in the current time and the time after the planned life of the facility.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;conflict area;gap time;front gap;rear gap;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVI, 120 str.
ID: 9220757