magistrsko delo
Nives Jančar (Author), Darja Topolšek (Mentor)


Dandanes veliko prebivalstva živi v urbanih območjih, kar sproža veliko potrebo po pretoku blaga znotraj mest, še posebej znotraj mestnih jeder. Vse to pa posledično povzroča veliko zastojev na cestišču, hrup, onesnaženost z izpušnimi plini, nezadovoljstvo prebivalcev in obiskovalcev mest. Tudi mesto Maribor se srečuje z omenjenimi težavami. Na peš coni znotraj njegovega mestnega jedra se nahaja veliko podjetij in med temi prevladujejo predvsem gostinske in trgovinske dejavnosti. Prav ti dve dejavnosti za svoje delovanje potrebujeta veliko blaga, ki se lahko dostavlja dnevno, tedensko, mesečno itd., odvisno od blaga, povpraševanja in možnosti skladiščenja, hkrati pa privabljata in zadržujeta ljudi v mestnem središču. Zato je pomembno, da se pri ureditvi mestne tovorne logistike najdejo takšne rešitve, ki ne ovirajo delovanja gostinskih, trgovinskih in drugih dejavnosti znotraj mestnega središča, a kljub temu zmanjšujejo negativne učinke tovornega prometa na tem območju. V tem delu smo o ureditvi mestne tovorne logistike znotraj peš cone mesta Maribor anketirali podjetja, ki se ukvarjajo z gostinskimi in trgovinskimi dejavnostmi ter se nahajajo na omenjenem območju. Na podlagi tega smo lahko predstavili trenutno ureditev dostav blaga na območju peš cone v Mariboru in predlagali takšne rešitve, ki ne bi povzročale negativnega učinka na podjetja, hkrati pa bi pripomogle k izboljšanju življenjskega sloga znotraj mestnega središča.


dostava blaga;mestno jedro;peš cona;urbana logistika;logistika;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FL - Faculty of Logistics
Publisher: [N. Jančar]
UDC: 656.1
COBISS: 512815165 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1269
Downloads: 136
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Delivery of goods within pedestrian zone in city of Maribor
Secondary abstract: Nowadays, large number of population lives in urban areas, what creates a great need for movement of goods within cities, especially inside the city centers. Consequently, exhausted gases causes a lot of congestion, noise and pollution on the roads. Moreover, the dissatisfaction of residents and visitors of the city is inevitable. Therefore, city of Maribor is facing the same problems. In the city center of Maribor there are lot of companies operating as restaurants and commercial shops in the pedestrian zone. Their business activities require a lot of goods that must be delivered daily, weekly, monthly, etc., depending on the goods, demand and storage options, with purpose of attracting and keeping people in the city center. Therefore, it is of great significance for the regulation of urban freight logistics to find such a solution that does not interfere with the operation of catering, trade and other activities within the city center, and that still reduces the negative impacts of freight traffic in the area. Furthermore, in this research work we surveyed companies dealing with catering and commercial activities in the pedestrian zone in city of Maribor about the regulation of urban freight logistics. According to that, we are able to present the current organization of deliveries of goods into the area of the pedestrian zone in Maribor and propose solutions that would not cause a negative impact on businesses and would help improve the lifestyle within the city center.
Secondary keywords: delivery of goods;city center;pedestrian zone;urban logistics;logistics;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za logistiko
Pages: IX, 116 str., [1] str. pril.
ID: 9222687
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