diplomska naloga
Maja Jarc (Author), Anka Lisec (Mentor), Marjan Čeh (Co-mentor), Marko Kragelj (Co-mentor)


V diplomski nalogi smo za primer slovensko-italijanske državne meje obravnavali evidentiranje državne meje in usklajenost podatkov zemljiškega katastra s podatki o državni meji. V ta namen smo uporabili gradiva iz uradne evidence državne meje in zemljiškega katastra v Republiki Sloveniji, podatke arhiva o evidentiranju državne meje pri območni geodetski upravi v Novi Gorici ter zakonodajo in drugo strokovno literaturo s področja obravnave. V diplomskem delu so najprej predstavljeni osnovni pojmi področja obravnave diplomske naloge, nato je predstavljena slovensko-italijanska državna meja, vključujoč njeno spreminjanje v zgodovini ter oris današnjega poteka. Sledi predstavitev vsebine in postopkov tako imenovane mejne dokumentacije, ki vključuje tudi praktične primere, s katerimi se srečujemo na slovensko-italijanski meji. Ti primeri se nanašajo predvsem na usklajevanje katastrskih podatkov s podatki o poteku državne meje in na pripravo podatkov nove mejne dokumentacije. V diplomski nalogi smo poskušali opredeliti tudi vzroke za nastanek teh neskladij, za katere smo ugotovili, da so večinoma posledica digitalizacije mejne dokumentacije in zemljiškokatastrskih načrtov, lahko pa tudi napak zaradi prepisov, prerisov ali prenosov podatkov med različnimi mediji, formati in oblikami evidentiranja.


geodezija;diplomska naloga;UNI;GIG;državna meja;slovensko-italijanska meja;zemljiški kataster;mejna dokumentacija;geodetska uprava;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Jarc]
UDC: 528.44(497.4):(450):(043.2)
COBISS: 7756641 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2071
Downloads: 648
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Reconciliation of the land cadastre and state border data at the Slovenian-Italian border
Secondary abstract: The main topic of the thesis is registering of state border and adjustment of land cadastre data with the state border data for the case of Slovenian-Italian border. For this purpose, data from the official state border evidence and land cadastre data in the Republic of Slovenia have been used; additionally, archive data about evidencing of state border at the regional office of the Surveying and Mapping Authority in Nova Gorica have been used, and legislation as well as other professional literature from the study field have been studied. In the thesis, some basic terms from the study field are explained in the beginning, followed by the description of Slovenian-Italian border, including its changes through the history and its current situation. Further on, the contents of state border documentation and procedures for recording of the state border are presented, accompanied by the examples from the practice at the Slovenian-Italian border. These study cases are mostly about the adjustment of the cadastre data with the data about state borderline from the official evidence, and about the procedures for preparing new documentation about the state border. In the framework of this thesis, we tried to define the reasons for such a discrepancy between the land cadastre data and data about state border, which lead us to the conclusion, that this was mainly the consequence of digitalisation of the state border documentation and of the cadastral maps. Copying, tracing and transfer of the data among different media, formats and forms of evidence also played an important role.
Secondary keywords: state border;Slovenian-Italian border;land cadastre;border documentation;surveying and mapping authority;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XI, 32 str., 16 pril.
ID: 9224842