diplomsko delo visokošolskega strokovnega študija Varnost in policijsko delo
Diplomska naloga obravnava vlogo izvedenca v kazenskem postopku, ki sodi v kazensko-pravno področje. Naloga je teoretična, saj skozi teorijo predstavlja izvedenca, ki ima v kazenskem postopku vlogo, da za primer, ki ga obravnava, ugotovi dejanske okoliščine in dejstva, do katerih sodišče težje pride. Slednje namreč nima potrebnih strokovnih znanj, da bi lahko samo brez ustreznih dokazov dokončno učinkovito izpeljalo kazenski postopek. Glavno vlogo, ki jo ima izvedenec v kazenskem postopku, predstavlja tudi izvid in mnenje. Naloga vsakega izvedenca pri tem pa je, da slednjega poda sodišču.
Izvedenec je v diplomski nalogi predstavljen kot eden izmed treh subjektov kazenskega postopka, ki s svojim strokovnim znanjem sodišču nudi pomoč, da ta lažje sprejme dokončne odločitve. Namen izvedenca je namreč razjasniti tista dejstva, o katerih sodišče nima zadostnega strokovnega znanja, izvedenec pa lahko na podlagi izkušenj iz svojega področja hitreje najde rešitev za problem, ki ga sodišče obravnava.
V diplomskem delu sta postavljeni hipotezi, preko katerih poskušamo odgovoriti na vprašanje, zakaj je vloga izvedenca v kazenskem postopku pomembna ter kakšna je razlika med izvedencem in pričo. Skozi jedro diplomske naloge želimo ugotoviti, kakšna je vsebina izvedenčeve vloge in katere so zakonske določbe o vlogi in nalogah izvedenca v kazenskem postopku ter kakšen problem v izvedenstvu predstavlja pristranskost. Opravljena je tudi analiza dveh sodb ustavnega sodišča in dveh sodb vrhovnega sodišča, predstavljen pa praktični primer izvedenstva o primeru Kamenik.
kazensko pravo;kazenski postopek;izvedenstvo;izvedenci;izvedensko mnenje;diplomske naloge;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice |
Publisher: |
M. Ajdič] |
UDC: |
343.1(043.2) |
Views: |
1711 |
Downloads: |
246 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
This thesis discusses the role of an expert witness in the criminal procedure and pertains to the field of criminal law. The thesis is theoretical in its nature and depicts the expert witness whose role it is to determine the actual circumstances and identify the facts in particular cases, where this knowledge is not easily accessible to the court. The court does not possess the necessary expertise to irrefutably and efficiently conduct the criminal procedure on its own without relevant evidence. The central role of an expert witness in the criminal procedure is to deliver their findings and opinions. Every expert witness is tasked with presenting their expert opinion to the court.
For the purposes of this thesis, the expert witness is presented as one of three persons of the criminal procedure that offers their expertise to the court in order to facilitate the process of reaching a definite decision. The purpose of the expert witness is to shed light on the facts surrounding the problem the court is judging, especially in the cases where the court does not have sufficient expert knowledge on the subject matter and the expert witness is able to find a faster solution to the problem on the basis of the experience in the area of their expertise.
Two hypotheses have been formed in the thesis in order to answer the question of why the role of an expert witness is important in the criminal procedure and discover what sets an expert witness apart from other kinds of witnesses. In the body of the thesis we will try to determine what the statutory provisions on the role and duties of the expert witness in the criminal procedure are and discuss the problem of bias in expert assessment. The analyses of two Constitutional Court judgements and two Supreme Court judgements have been carried out and a practical example of the use of expert opinion in the case of “Kamenik” has been presented. |
Secondary keywords: |
expert witness;the role of an expert witness;expert assessment;criminal procedure;criminal procedure act;expert opinion; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana |
Pages: |
47 str. |
ID: |
9225164 |