magistrsko delo
Nina Podvornik (Author), Andrej Kryžanowski (Mentor), Marijan Žura (Thesis defence commission member), Drago Kos (Thesis defence commission member)


Povečane potrebe po prometnem omrežju vodijo k dodatnim prometnim investicijam, ki so ne glede na njihov obseg, postavitev v prostor ter učinkovitost pomemben dejavnik gospodarskega razvoja. Investicije v prometno infrastrukturo lahko na sam razvoj vplivajo pozitivno (dvig gospodarske rasti, kakovost življenja, dostopnost idr.) in tudi negativno (različni vplivi na okolje). Ker so prometne investicije zelo obsežne, je vsestranska ocena le-teh ključnega pomena pri samem prometnem načrtovanju v prometni politiki. Temeljno orodje za ocenjevanje ekonomskih koristi infrastrukturnih investicij je analiza stroškov in koristi, ki je potrebna še zlasti za tiste projekte in programe, ki jih Evropska unija podpira s svojimi finančnimi sredstvi. V zadnjem desetletju se med pomembnejše dejavnike prometne politike uvršča tudi okoljska politika, kar je nujno, saj imajo investicije v prometno infrastrukturo pozitivne in negativne učinke na lokalno in globalno okolje. Prav zato je zahteva po vključitvi okoljskih učinkov investicije v analizo stroškov in koristi pri investicijah v prometno infrastrukturo bistvenega pomena. Zavedamo se, da na ekonomičnost izvedbe in obratovanja infrastrukturnih posegov v prostor poleg neposrednih stroškov osnovne investicije pomembno vplivajo tudi stroški in koristi postavitve objektov v prostor, zato smo v magistrskem delu uporabili metodologijo analize stroškov in koristi, ki izhaja iz okoljskih elementov investicije, ter jo nadgradili in modificirali na konkretnem primeru prometne investicije. Naveden pristop nam tako omogoča ustrezno ekonomsko vrednotenje stroškov in koristi okoljskih elementov investicije, ki nastajajo ob posegu v prostor, kar je izjemnega in dolgoročnega pomena za okoljske koristi.


gradbeništvo;magistrska dela;investicije v prometno infrastrukturo;investicijska dokumentacija;analiza stroškov in koristi;ekonomika okolja;presoja vplivov na okolje;okoljski elementi investicije;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [N. Podvornik]
UDC: 347.823.2:656.11.053.1(497.4)(043)
COBISS: 7611489 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2641
Downloads: 676
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Methodology of Cost - Benefit Analysis in transport infrastructure based on Environmental impact assessment
Secondary abstract: An increased need for transport network leads to additional transport investments which are considered to be an important factor in the area of economic growth regardless their size, layout and efficiency. Transport infrastructure investments may have beneficial influence on the development, such as booming economic growth, improved quality of life, easy access as well as adverse effects on the environment. Large -scale investments in the transport infrastructure result in a more comprehensive assessment, crucial in the area of transport planning and its policy. The basic tool for assessing the economic benefits of infrastructure investments is the cost-benefit analysis, which is indispensable in the projects and programs that are financially supported by the European Union. In the last decade environmental policy has been considered to play a significant role in the transport policy, which is essential due to positive and negative effects of transport infrastructure investments on the local and global environment. Therefore, integrating environmental effects of investments in cost-benefit analysis is of paramount importance. We are aware that economic implementation strategies and environmental infrastructure interventions are besides direct costs of basic investments significantly affected by the costs and benefits of layout strategies. For that reason the subject matter of the thesis has been the methodology of cost-benefit analysis arising from the environmental effects of the investment, upgraded and modified according to the specific case of transport investments. Such an approach enables proper economic cost- benefit analysis of the environmental investment elements, generated by environmental interventions, which is of utmost importance and has long-term environmental benefits.
Secondary keywords: civil engineering;master of science thesis;investment in transport infrastructure;investment documentation;cost-benefit analysis;environmental economics;environmental impact assessment;environmental elements of the investment;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIV, 87 str., 2 pril.
ID: 9226325