diplomska naloga
Tomaž Svažič (Author), Andrej Kryžanowski (Mentor), Simon Schnabl (Thesis defence commission member)


V diplomski nalogi je bil na osnovi večletnih meritev pretokov vodomerne postaje Nadvode, 7245 na reki Zrmanji na Hrvaškem izračunan energetski hidropotencial morebitne hidroelektrarne Žegar. Reka Zrmanja je namreč energetsko še neizkoriščena in kot takšna nudi prostor za energetsko izkoriščanje. Trenutni trendi v energetiki dajejo prednost t.i. obnovljivim virom energije. Ljudje so se namreč pričeli zavedati dejstva, da je izkoriščanje fosilnih goriv omejeno in da hkrati s svojo potrošnjo povzročajo velike okoljske rane. Hidroelektrarne kot vir energije pa med svojim obratovanjem v okolje ne oddajajo skoraj nobenih emisij ter ne porabljajo drugih energentov. Tako jih uvrščamo med obnovljive vire. V ta namen je bil preučen hrvaški pravilnik o podporah za energijo, proizvedeno iz obnovljivih virov. Na osnovi geodetskih podatkov je bil modeliran teren v okolici lokacije hidroelektrarne Žegar ter določene glavne tehnične karakteristike elektrarne, ki kakorkoli vplivajo na izračun hidroenergetskega potenciala hidroelektrarne Žegar. Podatki srednjih dnevnih pretokov za obdobje meritev so bili obdelani in ovrednoteni in kot takšni potem upoštevani v preračunu hidroenergetskega potenciala. Hidroenergetski potencial lokacije je bil izračunan za dva tipa hidroelektrarn, in sicer za derivacijsko hidroelektrarno in akumulacijsko hidroelektrarno. Oba potenciala se je medsebojno primerjalo. V nadaljevanju sta bila oba tipa hidroelektrarn ocenjena tudi stroškovno. Na koncu je bila na osnovi predhodno izračunanega hidroenergetskega potenciala opravljena še ekonomska analiza upravičenosti morebitnih investicij v oba tipa hidroelektrarn, in sicer na osnovi letnih prihodkov, odhodkov in sposobnosti vračanja morebitnega kredita za izgradnjo hidroelektrarne.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;pretok;derivacijska hidroelektrarna;akumulacijska hidroelektrarna;energetska proizvodnja;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [T. Svažič]
UDC: 627.8(497.5)
COBISS: 7781473 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1715
Downloads: 523
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Assessment of hydroenergetic potential of the Žegar HPP on the Zrmanja River
Secondary abstract: In this thesis, based on measurements of the water flow at the water measurement station Nadvode, 7245 on the Zrmanja river in Croatia, conducted over the course of several years, the energy hydropotential of the potential Žegar hydropower plant was calculated. The Zrmanja river is not yet utilised for harvesting energy and as such offers possibilities for harvesting energy. Current energy trends emphasise to so-called renewable sources of energy. People have become aware of the fact that the utilisation of fossil fuels is limited and that at the same time their consumption causes great harm to the environment. On the other hand, hydropower plants, as a source of energy, emit almost no emissions in the course of their operation and do not consume other energy products. Therefore, they are classified as renewable sources of energy. For this purpose, the Croatian Rules on the Support for Energy Produced by Renewable Sources of Energy have been analysed. Based on geodetic data, a model was made of the terrain in the surrounding area of the Žegar hydropower plant as well as certain main technical characteristics of the power plant, which may in any way affect the calculation of the hydro-energetic potential of the Žegar hydropower plant. Data about the medium daily flows during the period of measurements was processed, evaluated and later considered in the calculation of the hydro-energetic potential. The hydro-energetic potential of the location was calculated for two types of hydropower plants, namely for the derivational hydropower plant and the accumulative hydropower plant. Both potentials have been compared with each other. Later, both types of hydropower plants were cost-assessed as well. Finally, based on the previously calculated hydro-energetic potential, an economic analysis of the feasibility of possible investments in both types of hydropower plant was conducted, this was achieved based on annual revenues, expenditures and the ability to pay back a possible loan for the construction of the hydropower plant.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;flow;derivational hydropower plant and the accumulative hydropower;energy production;
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XI, 56 str., 1 pril.
ID: 9226483