magistrsko delo
Matija Novak (Author), Duško Uršič (Mentor)


Motivacija zaposlenih ima lahko velik pomen pri doseganju ciljev podjetja. Podjetja oziroma vodilni v podjetju si zastavijo cilje, ki jih skušajo uresničiti. Te cilje uresničujejo zaposleni v podjetju, zato je pomembno, da so zaposleni motivirani za delo, da odhajajo iz službe brez stresa, da so za svoje dobro delo tudi nagrajeni. Motivacija ni proces, ki se začne in konča v nekem kratkem obdobju. Motivirati pomeni vedno znova spodbujati zaposlene za pripadnost podjetju in doseganju njihovih ciljev. Dejavniki, ki zaposlene motivirajo v določenem obdobju, se lahko hitro spremenijo in zaposlenim več ne predstavljajo tako velikega pomena. Zaposlene lahko čez čas začnejo motivirati čisto drugi dejavniki. Raven motivacije zaposlenih v nekem podjetju ima posledično lahko velik vpliv tudi na finance tega podjetja. Motivirani delavci so lahko dosti uspešnejši in natančnejši pri opravljanju svojega dela. Svojo motiviranost lahko prenesejo tudi na svoje sodelavce ali na novo zaposlene ljudi. Pri svojem delu so lahko natančnejši, previdnejši, imajo veselje do dela in se veselijo novih izzivov in nalog. Če ima delavec preveč dela, če je preveč pod pritiskom, lahko hitro izgubi motivacijo za delo. Če delavec prihaja v službo zaradi obveznosti in sploh ni motiviran za delo, je podjetje lahko na izgubi. Zaradi tega je priporočljivo, da podjetja skrbijo za svoje zaposlene in jih vedno znova skušajo motivirati za delo. V tem raziskovalnem delu smo raziskovali in analizirali motivacijo zaposlenih v določenem podjetju. Magistrsko nalogo smo najprej razdelili na dva dela. V prvem delu smo opredelili motivacijo, pojem motivov, vrste motivov, dejavnike vpliva na motivacijo, vsebinske motivacijske teorije in procesne motivacijske teorije. V drugem delu smo najprej predstavili podjetje, v katerem je bila narejena raziskava, predstavili smo delo v podjetju, panogo podjetja, trg, na katerem podjetje deluje. Analizirali smo tudi finančno sliko podjetja glede na finančne kazalnike. Potem smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika naredili raziskavo v podjetju in ugotavljali raven motivacije zaposlenih v podjetju. Glede na strokovno literaturo in lastno presojo smo določili dejavnike motivacije in analizirali, kateri dejavniki zaposlene trenutno dejansko najbolj motivirajo za opravljanje dela, kateri najbolj manjkajo v podjetju. Raziskava je bila narejena na način, kjer smo skušali zajeti čim večje število zaposlenih, da bi rezultati raziskave imeli čim večjo verodostojnost in uporabnost tudi za podjetje. Po zaključku raziskave smo podatke, ki smo jih dobili, grafično prikazali. Podatke smo tudi analizirali, preverili hipoteze, ki smo si jih na začetku zastavili, in predstavili naše ugotovitve. Na koncu raziskovalnega dela smo podali še predloge za povečanje motivacije glede na rezultate, ki smo jih z raziskavo ugotovili.


zaposleni;motivacija;motiviranje;motivacijske teorije;finančni kazalniki;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Novak]
UDC: 331.101.3(043.2)
COBISS: 12680732 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1856
Downloads: 160
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of motivation of employees in the company X
Secondary abstract: When it comes to achieving company’s goals, employee motivation plays an important role. Company i.e. company’s executives set up company’s goals and strive to achieve them. To be able to achieve them, employees have to be motivated for work, feel stress-free, as well as receive a proper satisfaction and award for the work they do. Motivation is not a short-time process. To motivate employees means to be encouraging them all the time, so that they know they belong to the company and that they feel encouraged and happy when achieving company’s goals. Motivating factors are not permanent or fixed and they can change anytime. Employees can over the course of time get motivated by various factors and these factors consequently exert great influence on the level of motivation. Moreover, level of employees’ motivation can have a great influence on company’s finances, as well. Motivated employees are likely to be more successful and more precise in their work. They can also motivate their colleagues and new employees. They are more accurate and careful, as well as more satisfied and happy with the work itself and the new challenges they are faced with. Motivation for work can be lost very easily if the employee has too much work to do or if he/she feels overburdened. If the employee works only because he/she has to and if he/she is not motivated to work, the company is the one that loses at the end. Because of that, it is recommended that the companies take care of their employees by constantly encouraging and trying to motivate them. In this thesis, I have carried out a research and an analysis of the employee motivation in a particular company. The thesis is divided into two sections. In the first section, I have described motivation itself, its meaning, types of motives, motivation factors, content motivation theories and process motivation theories. In the second section, I have introduced the research company, its business and its work, as well as the industry and the market the company is part of. Financial scheme based on financial indicators has been done as well. Using a questionnaire, I have determined the level of motivation among the company’s employees. Based on scientific literature and my own judgement, I have determined motivation factors and analyzed by which of them the employees feel most motivated and which of them are missing the most. I have tried to include as much employees as possible into the research, so that the final results would be the most accurate. All results are also graphically shown. I processed and analyzed all data, verified hypothesis and presented the conclusions. At the end of the thesis, there are also suggestions for increasing the level of employee motivation in the companies.
Secondary keywords: motivation;motivation theories;motivation factors;financial indicators;employee motivation.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: 66 str.
ID: 9227388
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