diplomska naloga
Majda Jerman (Author), Roman Kunič (Mentor), Mitja Košir (Thesis defence commission member), Luka Pajek (Co-mentor)


V diplomski nalogi se bomo poglobili v analizo toplotne prehodnosti in difuzije vodne pare dela stavbnega ovoja, in sicer preučili bomo različne dejavnike glede na lastnosti zunanje stene. Zahteve glede toplotne zaščite stavb se z zakonodajo vedno bolj zaostrujejo, saj ta neposredno vpliva na porabo energije za ogrevanje in hlajenje. Človeštvo se namreč vedno bolj zaveda pomena izkoriščanja energije in negativnih posledic na okolje, ki ga želi prepustiti naslednjim rodovom čimbolj ohranjeno. Poleg tega sta tako toplotna zaščita kot tudi pojav kondenza zaradi difuzije vodne pare ključna dejavnika za zagotavljanje bivalnega ugodja uporabnikov, ki je z vsakim dnem bolj cenjeno in pogostokrat tudi izrecno zahtevano s strani investitorjev. Analizirali bomo najbolj pogosto uporabljene konstrukcijske sklope zunanjih sten eksoskeletne gradnje v praksi in skušali zadostiti zahtevam zakonodaje. Te bomo poskusili tudi sami zaostriti. Obravnavali bomo tankoslojno kontaktno-izolacijsko fasado in prezračevano fasado. Zanimal nas bo vpliv položaja toplotne izolacije na zunanji in notranji strani zunanje stene. Spreminjali bomo vhodne podatke in analizirali njihov vpliv. V analizah bomo spreminjali računsko temperaturo, notranjo relativno vlažnost prostora in prosti pretok zraka po notranji površini sten.


gradbeništvo;diplomska naloga;UNI;difuzijska upornost;toplotna prevodnost;poljubna oblika;prezračevalna fasada;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Jerman]
UDC: 52-334.6:624(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 7784801 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2091
Downloads: 595
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: ǂThe ǂrenovation of the thermal envelope of the external walls in view of heat transfer and diffusion of water vapor
Secondary abstract: In this thesis, we will analyse heat transfer and diffusion of water vapor as a part of the building's envelope, and examine various influences based on the outer wall's properties. The legislation continues to increase demands for thermal insulation of buildings, as this has a direct impact on energy consumption for heating and cooling. Humanity is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of energy utilization and its negative effects on the environment, which they want to leave as well preserved as possible for future generations. In addition, both thermal protection and the occurrence of condensation due to vapor diffusion, are the key factors to ensure the user's comfort of living, which is getting more and more appreciated as well as often explicitly required by investors. Furthermore, we will examine the most commonly used structural assemblies of the outer walls of mechanical exoskeleton works in practice and try to satisfy the requirements of the legislation, whih we will also try to strengthen. We will discuss the thin contact-insulating facade and the ventilated one. We are interested in the influence of the thermal insulation on both the outside and the inside of the outer walls. We will modify input data and analyze their impact. The analysis will adjust calculation temperature, indoor relative humidity of the room and the free flow of air on the inner surface of the wall.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;civil engineering;condensation of water vapor;ventilated facade;thermal transience;contact-insulated facade;diffusion of water vapor;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVI, 51 str., 4 pril.
ID: 9227914