(diplomsko delo)
Izhodišča: Predmenstrualni sindrom predstavljajo različni somatski in psihični simptomi, ki se pojavljajo nekaj dni pred menstruacijo. Pojavlja se skoraj pri vseh ženskah v reproduktivni dobi. Ženskam, katere imajo hude težave, lahko predmenstrualni sindrom močno zmanjšuje kakovost življenja. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti, katere težave predmenstrualnega sindroma se pri ženskah najpogosteje pojavljajo in kako predmenstrualni sindrom vpliva na vsakdanje življenje žensk.
Metodologija raziskovanja: V empiričnem delu diplomskega dela je bila uporabljena kvantitativna raziskovalna metodologija, in sicer metoda anketiranja. Kot instrument raziskovanja je bil uporabljen delno strukturiran anketni vprašalnik. Raziskavo smo izvedli v enem izmed zdravstvenih domov v ginekološki ambulanti. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 50 žensk s predmenstrualnim sindromom.
Rezultati: Najpogostejše težave anketiranih žensk zaradi predmenstrualnega sindroma so boleče, občutljive dojke, bolečine v spodnjem delu trebuha, spremembe v apetitu oz. požrešnost (ženske najpogosteje posegajo po slaščicah in sladkih pijačah), izbruh aken, razdražljivost, spreminjanje razpoloženja in glavobol. Vsi ti simptomi ženskam, ki trpijo za predmenstrualnim sindromom, povzročajo težave na različnih področjih. Največkrat v šoli ali službi, ter pri športnih aktivnostih. Prav tako ti simptomi vplivajo na samozavest žensk, povzročajo težave pri odnosu s partnerjem. Simptome predmenstrualnega sindroma najpogosteje lajšajo z zadostnim pitjem vode, vsaj osem urnim spanjem ter penečimi kopelmi ali masažami. Nekatere uporabljajo hormonsko kontracepcijo.
Diskusija in zaključek: Pogosto se ženske niti ne zavedajo, da je vzrok nekaterih njihovih težav lahko predmenstrualni sindrom. Svojega telesa ne poznajo dovolj dobro ali pa morda niso pozorne na čas, ko se določeni simptomi pojavljajo. V medijih lahko zasledimo vedno več informacij o predmenstrualnem sindromu. Za lajšanje tegob v predmenstrualnem obdobju ženskam svetujemo uživanje zdrave in uravnotežene prehrane, zmanjšanje uživanja soli, kave, alkohola ter kajenja, telesno aktivnost tri do štirikrat na teden vsaj pol ure na dan ter zmanjšanje dejavnikov negativnega stresa. Simptome predmenstrualnega sindroma pa lahko lajšajo tudi z različnimi alternativnimi metodami.
predmenstrualni sindrom;predmenstrualna disforična motnja;menstruacija;kakovost življenja;depresija;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FZV - Faculty of Health Sciences |
Publisher: |
[N. Kocjan] |
UDC: |
618.17-008.8(043.2) |
Views: |
1334 |
Downloads: |
154 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
Starting points: A premenstrual syndrome consists of somatic and mental symptoms that occur a few days before the menstrual cycle. It appears to almost every woman of reproductive age. The premenstrual syndrome could greatly reduce the quality of life, especially to women with severe aching problems. The main purpose of the diploma thesis is to identify which types of the premenstrual syndrome problems appear most frequently and how the premenstrual syndrome affects the women’s everyday life.
Research methodology: In the empirical part of the diploma thesis, a quantitative research methodology was used, combined with the method of interviewing. The instrument for the research was a partially structured questionnaire and the research was carried out in one of the health care centres in the gynaecological clinic. There were 50 women with the premenstrual syndrome who participated in the research.
Results: The survey revealed that the most common problems and difficulties related to the premenstrual syndrome are painful, sensitive breasts, lower abdominal pain, appetite changes or gluttony (craving after confectionery and sweet drinks), acne outbreaks, irritability, sudden mood changes and headache. All these symptoms cause problems and difficulties at various places, mostly at work, school or sports activities. At the same time the symptoms affect women’s self confidence and may cause problems in relationships. The premenstrual symptoms are most commonly alleviated by drinking enough water per day, sleeping at least eight hours per night and relaxing bubble baths or massages. Some of the interview participants also used hormonal contraception.
Final discussion and conclusion: Most of the time women are not completely aware that the premenstrual syndrome could be the main cause of their problems or difficulties. They do not know their body well enough or they are not focused on the time and how often do particular symptoms occur. In the media, we can notice more and more information about the premenstrual syndrome. To relieve the pain while having the premenstrual syndrome we recommend consuming healthy and balanced food, less intake of salt, coffee or alcohol, less smoking, more physical activities for at least three to four hours per week or at least thirty minutes per day, and reducing negative stress factors. The premenstrual symptoms can also be relieved by various alternative methods. |
Secondary keywords: |
premenstrual syndrome;premenstrual dysphoric disorder;menstruation;quality of life;depression; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Bachelor thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za zdravstvene vede |
Pages: |
V, 46 f., 8 f. pril. |
ID: |
9228290 |