diplomska naloga
Jure Bohanec (Author), Bojan Stopar (Mentor), Bojan Stopar (Thesis defence commission member), Miran Ferlan (Thesis defence commission member), Polona Pavlovčič Prešeren (Thesis defence commission member), Oskar Sterle (Co-mentor)


V diplomski nalogi primerjamo izračun zenitne troposferske refrakcije v meteorološkem modelu z neodvisnim izračunom s tremi geodetskimi metodami obdelave statičnih GNSS opazovanj in analiziramo podatke v absolutnem in relativnem načinu določitve. V absolutnem načinu smo izračunali razlike med izračunom zenitne troposferske refrakcije z meteorološkim modelom ALADIN, ki ga vzamemo za referenco, z obdelavo opazovanj GNSS z geodetskimi metodami (PPP, Bernese GNSS Software, omrežje SIGNAL). Vrednost absolutne zenitne troposferske refrakcije izbrane referenčne postaje smo uporabili za določitev relativne troposferske refrakcije, ter pridobljene diferencialne vrednosti primerjali z vrednostmi pridobljenimi iz meteorološkega modela. Na osnovi pridobljenih razlik smo izračunali srednje vrednosti ter standardne odklone razlik troposferske refrakcije ter ovrednotili pridobljene rezultate. Rezultati v diplomski nalogi kažejo na visoko skladnost vrednosti zenitne troposferske refrakcije določene z geodetskimi metodami z meteorološkim modelom, predvsem v relativnem načinu določitve z metodo PPP in Bernese GNSS Software.


geodezija;diplomska naloga;zenitna troposferska refrakcija;GNSS meteorologija;metoda PPP;Bernese GNSS Software;omrežje SIGNAL;meteorološki model ALADIN;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [J. Bohanec]
UDC: 528.2:551.5(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 7794529 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1888
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Analysis of accuracy and precision of GNSS zenith tropospheric delay
Secondary abstract: The aim of the thesis was to compare the calculations of zenith tropospheric delay, computed within the meteorological model, with an independently acquired calculation of three GNSS data processing methods. Data analysis was done in the absolute and relative mode of determination. Using absolute mode of zenith tropospheric delay computation we computed the differences between the computed zenith tropospheric delay with the meteorological model ALADIN, taken as a reference, and results of zenith tropospheric delay computation on the basis of GNSS observations processing with geodetic methods (PPP, Bernese GNSS Software, network SIGNAL). The absolute zenith tropospheric delays values of chosen reference station we used for calculation of the relative tropospheric delay. Thus obtained values of differential zenith tropospheric delay we compared with the values obtained from the meteorological model. On the basis of calculated differences the mean value of the differential tropospheric delay and the standard deviations were calculated. These data were then evaluated. The obtained values of zenith tropospheric refraction show a high level of conformity between values obtained on the basis of GNSS data processing with the meteorological model, particularly in the relative mode using with PPP method and Bernese GNSS Software.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;geodesy;zenith tropospheric delay;GNSS meteorology;method PPP;Bernese GNSS Software;network SIGNAL;meteorological model ALADIN;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Undergraduate thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XIII, 45 str.
ID: 9228586