zaključno delo
Natalija Herman (Author), Marija Ropič (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo zajema didaktična gradiva različnih slovenskih založb, ki so osredotočena na začetno branje. Na začetku dela je napisano nekaj o branju otrokom, o zgodnji pismenosti in bralnih stopnjah ter motivaciji za branje, nato pa so opredeljeni splošni pojmi, ki zajemajo didaktična gradiva, kot so učbenik, delovni zvezek in priročnik. Na kratko smo se posvetili vsakemu posebej in ga predstavili. Nato je poudarek celotnega magistrskega dela usmerjen v različne slovenske založbe, ki ponujajo didaktična gradiva, ki so namenjena predvsem začetnemu branju in opismenjevanju, saj je slednje zelo pomembno pri samem usvajanju branja. V magistrskem delu smo predstavili didaktična gradiva založb Modrijan, Izolit, Mladinska knjiga in Rokus Klett. Pri vsakem gradivu, ki ga založba ponuja, je predstavljen splošen opis, tehnične podrobnosti, avtorji in pa datum oziroma leto izida. Skupno sem preučila 37 gradiv štirih slovenskih založb. V empiričnem delu nas je zanimalo, za katere slovenske založbe se učitelji prve triade odločajo in zakaj, kako pogosto uporabljajo didaktična gradiva pri načrtovanju pouka in ali jih vključujejo tudi v domače delo učencev. Zanimalo nas je, ali obstajajo kakšne razlike pri izbiri založbe glede na delovno dobo in starost učiteljev. V sklepu smo predstavili svoje ugotovitve in zaključke o preučenih didaktičnih gradivih in rezultatih raziskave.


magistrska dela;didaktična gradiva;založbe;začetno branje;učbeniki;delovni zvezki;didaktične igre;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [N. Herman]
UDC: 028(07)(043.2)
COBISS: 22983688 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1153
Downloads: 173
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The Master's thesis includes didactic materials of different Slovene publishers which are focused on initial reading. The beginning is briefly dedicated to reading to children, early literacy and reading stages, and motivation for reading, followed by definition of general concepts that include didactic materials such as textbook, workbook, and handbook. We briefly devoted ourself to each one of them individually and then presented it. Then the emphasis of the entire thesis is directed towards different Slovene publishers who offer didactic materials which are designed above all for initial reading and literalizing as the latter is very important at conquering reading itself. In the thesis we represented didactic materials of publishers Modrijan, Izolit, Mladinska Knjiga and Rokus Klett. With each material offered by a publisher is presented a general description followed by technical details, authors, and the date respectively year of publication. Altogether, we studied 37 materials of four Slovene publishers. In the empirical part, we were interested which Slovene publishers the teachers of the first triad decide for, why and how often do they use didactic materials when planning lessons, and do they also include them in pupil's home work. We were interested whether there were any differences in selection as to different working age and age of the teachers. In the end, we presented our own findings and conclusions on studied didactical materials and results of the research.
Secondary keywords: master theses;didactic materials;publishers;initial reading;textbooks;workbooks;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pedagoška fak., Oddelek za razredni pouk
Pages: 92 f.
ID: 9230305