magistrsko delo
Andreja Semenič (Author), Tomaž Vec (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu raziskujem konstrukt čuječnosti v supervizijskem procesu. Pri tem izhajam iz teoretičnih izhodišč, ki opisujejo definicije čuječnosti, aksiome čuječnosti, čuječnost kot terapevtsko disciplino ter mehanizme delovanja. Kot temeljno metodo učenja in razvoja v superviziji opišem refleksijo, posebej se posvetim procesno orientiranim pristopom. Osredotočim se na elemente čuječnosti, ki se pojavljajo v supervizijskem procesu, oziroma na utemeljitev stičnosti in razlik med obema. Namen empiričnega dela je bil ugotoviti, ali supervizorji razvojno-edukativnega modela pri vodenju supervizijskega procesa uporabljajo elemente čuječnosti ter na kakšen način. Raziskovala sem, ali lahko uporabo čuječnosti povežem s stopnjo profesionalnega razvoja supervizorja ter kako se supervizorji soočajo z zastoji v procesu. Poglede supervizorjev sem preučevala s kvalitativno raziskavo, v katero je bilo vključenih osem supervizorjev, ki so člani Društva za supervizijo. Za pridobivanje podatkov sem uporabila polstrukturirani intervju. Zbrane podatke sem obdelala s kvalitativno analizo vsebine. Odgovori na raziskovalna vprašanja kažejo, da supervizorji uporabljajo posamezne elemente čuječnosti na določenih področjih supervizijskega procesa. Supervizorji čuječnost uporabljajo posredno, predvsem neformalno čuječnost. Elementi čuječnosti se pojavijo pri usmerjanju pozornosti na »tukaj in zdaj«, pri vključevanju lastnih doživljanj v proces ter pri sprejemanju emocij. Uporabo elementov čuječnosti lahko povežem s stopnjo profesionalnega razvoja supervizorja, ne pa tudi s številom let vodenja supervizije. Tudi začetnik supervizor je lahko sposoben upravljati procesne prvine v superviziji ter pri vodenju uporabljati lastna doživljanja. Posebej se je pokazala uporabnost elementov čuječnosti v procesno orientiranih pristopih. Pomembno vrednost ima predvsem pri prepoznavanju in reševanju zastojev v supervizijskem procesu. Supervizorji zastoje prepoznavajo preko zaznavanja lastnih čustev ter telesnih senzacij. Za reševanje zastojev uporabljajo usmerjanje pozornosti na »tukaj in zdaj« ter spremembo perspektive, kar sta pomembna elementa čuječnosti. Elemente čuječnosti uporabljajo pri prepoznavanju tako paralelnega procesa kot tudi transfera in kontratransfera. Za reševanje paralelnega procesa uporabljajo usmerjanje pozornosti na »tukaj in zdaj« ter verbalizacijo. Za soočanje s transferom in kontratransferom pa največkrat uporabijo reševanje z razumsko razlago. Prispevek magistrskega dela je v razjasnitvi konstrukta čuječnosti ter utemeljitvi stičnosti in razlik med čuječnostjo in supervizijo. Zaključki empiričnega dela prikažejo uporabo posameznih elementov čuječnosti v supervizijskem procesu, čuječnost v povezavi s stopnjo profesionalnega razvoja supervizorja ter uporabno vrednost čuječnosti pri soočanju z zastoji v procesu. Ugotovitve imajo neposreden pomen za supervizorje v smislu ozaveščanja lastnega ravnanja v strokovnih situacijah ter spoznavanju novih pristopov. Magistrsko delo nakaže možnost večje uporabe čuječnosti, in sicer na več načinov: kot pripomoček za supervizorja v smislu osebnega in profesionalnega razvoja ter v smislu razvoja sposobnosti, ki so pomembne za vzpostavljanje supervizijskega odnosa, kot intervenco, pri poučevanju supervizantov določenih tehnik čuječnostne meditacije ter za izoblikovanje novih modelov supervizije, kjer bi čuječnost nastopala kot pomemben del supervizijskega procesa.


čuječnost;supervizijski proces;supervizorji;profesionalni razvoj;soočanje z zastoji;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [A. Semenič]
UDC: 159.9(043.2)
COBISS: 11350601 Link will open in a new window
Views: 863
Downloads: 121
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Mindfulness within supervision process
Secondary abstract: The subject of the research in this master’s thesis is the construct of mindfulness in the supervision process. The research arises from theoretical starting points, which describe the definitions and axioms of mindfulness, mindfulness as a therapeutic discipline and operating mechanism. Later on, reflection is described as the key method of learning and development in supervision. Particular attention is paid to the process-oriented approaches. After that, I focus on the elements of mindfulness that appear in the supervision process, and on justifying what they have in common and how they differ from each other. The purpose of the empirical part is to determine whether the supervisors of the developmental-educational model are using the elements of mindfulness when conducting the supervision process and in what way. I have researched whether the use of mindfulness can be connected to the level of the professional development of a supervisor and how supervisors deal with stagnation in the process. The views of the supervisors have been studied using the qualitative research, with the involvement of eight supervisors who are also members of the Slovenian Supervision Association. In order to gain information, I used a semi-structured interview. The collected information was processed with qualitative analysis of the content. The answers to the research questions show that the supervisors use individual elements of mindfulness in certain areas of the supervision process. The supervisors use mindfulness indirectly, especially informal mindfulness. The elements of mindfulness appear when directing attention to the “here and now”, when including personal experience in the process and when accepting emotions. The use of the elements of mindfulness can be connected to the level of professional development of the supervisor, but not with the number of years of conducting supervision. Even a beginner supervisor may be able to manage the essential process elements of supervision and use his or her own experience when conducting it. In particular, the usefulness of the elements of mindfulness was revealed in the process-oriented approaches. Its significant value lies in recognising and solving stagnation in the supervision process. The supervisors recognise stagnation by perceiving their own emotions and body sensations. To solve these stagnations, they direct attention to the “here and now” and change the perspective. Both solutions are important elements of mindfulness. The elements of mindfulness are used in the recognition of parallel process, as well as transference and countertransference. To solve the parallel process, they direct attention to the “here and now” and use verbalisation. To face transference and countertransference, they mostly use rational explanation. This master’s thesis contributes to the clarification of the construct of mindfulness and to justifying the similarities and differences between mindfulness and supervision. The conclusions of the empirical part show the use of individual elements of mindfulness in the supervision process, mindfulness connected to the level of the professional development of the supervisor and the useful value of mindfulness when dealing with stagnation in the process. The findings are of direct importance to supervisors in terms of raising the awareness of their own methods in professional situations and learning new approaches. This master’s thesis indicates opportunities for the greater use of mindfulness in many ways: as a tool of a supervisor in terms of personal and professional development and within the meaning of developing abilities that are important for establishing the supervision relationship, as an intervention, in teaching supervisees certain mindfulness meditation techniques and in shaping new models of supervision where mindfulness plays an important role in the supervision process.
Secondary keywords: supervision;supervizija;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Supervizija, osebno in organizacijsko svetovanje
Pages: VI, 105 str.
ID: 9232207