magistrsko delo
Lea Tepeh (Author), Vita Poštuvan (Mentor), Borjana Kremžar (Mentor)


Slovenija sodi med države z visokim samomorilnim količnikom. Ta se pomembno povezuje s sindromom odvisnosti od alkohola ter duševnimi motnjami, kar posledično vpliva na slabšo kvaliteto življenja. V okviru magistrskega dela smo želeli preučiti povezavo med samomorilnim vedenjem in kvaliteto življenja pri bolnikih s sindromom odvisnosti od alkohola. Preveriti smo želeli stopnjo kvalitete življenja pri bolnikih s poskusom samomora v primerjavi s tistimi brez poskusa samomora. Nadalje je bil naš namen ugotoviti, kateri izmed merjenih dejavnikov tveganja najbolje napoveduje kvaliteto življenja in kateri samomorilno vedenje. Osvetliti smo želeli dejavnike tveganja, ki negativno vplivajo na kvaliteto življenja pri bolnikih, odvisnih od alkohola, saj lahko poznavanje teh doprinese k boljši kvaliteti življenja in zmanjšanju tveganja za samomorilno vedenje. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 70 udeležencev, od tega 56 moških in 14 žensk, starih od 28 do 72 let, s postavljeno diagnozo sindroma odvisnosti od alkohola. Zaradi aplikacije na klinični populaciji smo uporabili krajše različice vprašalnikov in sicer WHOQOL-BREF, WHO-5, DASS-21, PSS, INQ-15. Rezultati naše raziskave so pokazali, da med bolniki, odvisnimi od alkohola, ki so poskušali narediti samomor, v primerjavi s tistimi, ki ga niso, ni prišlo do statistično pomembnih razlik na treh izmed štirih dimenzij kvalitete življenja, z izjemo socialne komponente. Večkratna regresijska analiza je pokazala, da je subjektivno blagostanje statistično pomemben prediktor kvalitete življenja. Z logistično regresijo smo potrdili pretekle raziskave glede kvalitete življenja in depresije kot dveh ključnih prediktorjev samomorilnega vedenja pri osebah, odvisnih od alkohola. Ugotovitve naše raziskave opozarjajo na pomembnost prihodnjega raziskovanja dejavnikov tveganja pri bolnikih, odvisnih od alkohola, in omogočajo primerjavo z drugimi kliničnimi populacijami.


magistrska dela;sindrom odvisnosti od alkohola;kvaliteta življenja;samomorilno vedenje;depresija;anksioznost;subjektivno blagostanje;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FF - Faculty of Arts
Publisher: [L. Tepeh]
UDC: 613.81:616.89(043.2)
COBISS: 22926088 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1742
Downloads: 220
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Suicidal behaviour in relation to the quality of life in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome
Secondary abstract: Slovenia is one of the countries with a high suicide rate. This rate is significantly linked with alcohol dependence syndrome and mental disorders, which in turn affects the poorer quality of life. In this master's thesis we wanted to examine the link between suicidal behaviour and quality of life in patients with alcohol dependence syndrome. We wanted to check the level of quality of life in patients who attempted suicide, compared to those who did not attempt suicide. Furthermore, we aimed to determine which of the measured risk factors best foretells the quality of life and which suicidal behaviour. We wanted to highlight the risk factors that negatively affect the quality of life in patients with alcohol dependence, as the knowledge of these factors can contribute to a better quality of life and reduce the risk of suicidal behaviour. The study involved 70 participants, 56 men and 14 women, aged between 28 and 72 years, diagnosed with alcohol dependence syndrome. Because of the application in a clinical population we used the shorter versions of the questionnaires, namely WHOQOL-BREF, WHO-5, DASS-21, PSS and INQ-15. The results of our study showed that there were no statistically significant differences in three of the four dimensions of quality of life, with the exception of the social component, among patients with alcohol dependence who attempted suicide, compared to those who did not. Multiple regression analysis has shown that the subjective well-being is a statistically significant predictor of the quality of life. By using logistic regression we have confirmed previous researches on the quality of life and depression as two key predictors of suicidal behaviour in people with alcohol dependence. The findings of our study highlight the importance of future research into risk factors in patients with alcohol dependence and allow a comparison with other clinical populations.
Secondary keywords: master theses;alcohol dependence syndrome;quality of life;suicidal behaviour;depression;anxiety;subjective well-being;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Filozofska fak., Oddelek za psihologijo
Pages: IV, [117] f.
ID: 9232223