magistrsko delo Management v zdravstvu in socialnem varstvu
Pričujoče magistrsko delo obravnava zaposlene kot dejavnik kakovosti storitev zdravstvene nege v Psihiatrični bolnišnici Begunje. Cilj magistrskega dela je predstaviti pomen kakovosti, zagotavljanje varnosti in kulturo varnosti v Psihiatrični bolnišnici Begunje. Predstavljen je proces zagotavljanja 24-urne zdravstvene nege, podrobneje pa je prikazan oddelek pod posebnim nadzorom. Z vidika zaposlenih so predstavljene kompetence v zdravstveni negi - EFN direktiva in matrika usposobljenosti. Za opredelitev vpliva zaposlenih na kakovost izvajanja zdravstvene nege je bila izvedena anketa med zaposlenimi v Službi zdravstvene nege in oskrbe. Predstavljen je način razporejanja kadra v Službi zdravstvene nege in oskrbe v Psihiatrični bolnišnici Begunje pred uvajanjem sistema kakovosti ter sistem stalnih medoddelčnih timov. Po uvedbi novega načina razporejanja kadra, predvsem z vidika stalnih medoddelčnih timov, je iz izvedene ankete razvidno, da je zadovoljstvo zaposlenih, zagotavljanje varnosti in kakovosti boljša kot prej. Pomembni zaključki, ki izhajajo iz magistrskega dela se predvsem navezujejo na zavedanje zaposlenih o individualni odgovornosti tako do pacientov kot tudi do sodelavcev. Pomembna je tudi odgovornost do zagotavljanja kakovosti in varnosti, saj v primeru nekakovostnega dela negativne posledice najpogosteje nosi pacient.
kakovost;varnost;kultura varnosti;
Language: |
Slovenian |
Year of publishing: |
2016 |
Typology: |
2.09 - Master's Thesis |
Organization: |
UM FOV - Faculty of Organizational Sciences |
Publisher: |
[D. Loncnar] |
UDC: |
005.6 |
Views: |
1554 |
Downloads: |
246 |
Average score: |
0 (0 votes) |
Metadata: |
Other data
Secondary language: |
English |
Secondary title: |
Secondary abstract: |
The present master thesis treats employees as a factor in the quality of health care services in the Psychiatric Hospital Begunje. The aim of the master thesis is to present the importance of quality, safety assurance and safety culture in the Psychiatric Hospital Begunje. The thesis addresses the process of providing 24-hour care. Additionally, through description of department under special surveillance is provided. Competencies in health care, namely EFN Directive and competency matrix are presented from the perspective of the employees. Survey among the employees of nursing care was carried out to identify the impact of employees on the quality of nursing care. The allocation of staff in the Department of health care in the Psychiatric Hospital Begunje is outlined prior to the introduction of the quality system as well as a system of permanent interdepartmental teams is discussed. Following the introduction of a new method of allocating staff, particularly in terms of permanent interdepartmental teams from conducting the surveys show that employee satisfaction, security and the quality is better than before. Important conclusions arising from the master's work is primarily related to employee awareness of individual responsibility both to the patient as well as to employees. It can be argued that responsibility to provide quality and safety is essential for hospital due to the fact that the negative consequences of the low quality are often reflected in the patient care. |
Secondary keywords: |
quality;safety;safety culture;employees;providing 24-hour nursing care; |
URN: |
Type (COBISS): |
Master's thesis/paper |
Thesis comment: |
Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za organizacijske vede |
Pages: |
107 f. |
ID: |
9233593 |