magistrsko delo univerzitetnega študijskega programa Arhitektura
Rebeka Pinosa (Author), Nande Korpnik (Mentor)


Magistrsko delo z naslovom Ureditev potencialno reprezentativnega javnega prostora v starem mestnem jedru Celja na novo definira rob mesta Celje nasproti občinske stavbe Mestne občine Celje. Na obravnavani lokaciji je umeščeno parkirišče, ki je zamejeno na severni strani z zapuščenim hotelom Turška mačka. Na vzhodu prostor meji na Gledališko ulico, njegova zahodna stranica je definirana z ostanki srednjeveškega mestnega obzidja in nedokončanimi slepimi fasadami stanovanjske gradnje. Območje velja za arheološko in zgodovinsko pomembno območje. Paradoks obravnavanega morfološko bogatega mestnega prostora je, da danes deluje kot neurejen, nepomemben, nepovezan in zapuščen del starega mestnega jedra. Z arhitekturno rešitvijo prepoznamo potencialno kulturno in ekonomsko vrednost tega mestnega prostora, zato ga želimo delno urediti kot večnamenski javni prostor v obliki novega mestnega trga, zamejenega z vsebinsko bogatim objektom in skulpturalnim videzom. Zasnova projekta združuje več namembnosti in funkcij novega objekta z javno površino, v navezavi z bližnjo infrastrukturo in bližjimi grajenimi strukturami v strogem delu centra mesta. Nove funkcije prostora v parterju in kletni etaži vključujejo program, ki je namenjen mestu in širši javnosti: trg z drevoredom, muzej in večnamenski prostor; program v višjih etažah pa ciljnim skupinam - podjetnikom in t. i. start:up - zagonskim podjetnikom, ki delujejo po principu sodobnih podjetnih okolij. Slednje bi Celju omogočilo še učinkovitejši razvoj in doprinos novih projektov ter delovnih mest. Nov reprezentativni javni prostor z novo ekspresivno arhitekturo bi tako dopolnil tudi vse bolj pomembno kulturno dejavnost zgodovinskega mestnega jedra Celja.


arhitektura;javni prostor;arhitekturna zasnova;podjetništvo;muzej;Celje;magistrske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FGPA - Faculty of Civil Engineering, Transportation Engineering and Architecture
Publisher: [R. Pinosa]
UDC: 711.523+72.012.1(043.2)
COBISS: 20545302 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1653
Downloads: 409
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The Master thesis with the title Arrangement of a Potentially Representative Public Space in the Old Town Centre of Celje defines anew the edge of the city of Celje opposite the municipal building of the Municipality Celje. There is a parking space at the considered location which in the North borders on the abandoned hotel Turška mačka. In the East the space borders on the street Gledališka ulica and in the West it is defined by the remains of medieval city walls and unfinished blind facades of residential buildings. This area is considered of archaeological and historic importance. The paradox of the considered morphologically rich public space is that it nowadays appears as an untidy, unimportant, unconnected and abandoned part of the old city centre. With an architectural solution we recognize the potential cultural and economic value of this city space, therefore we wish to partly arrange it as a multifunctional public space in the form of a new city square bordering on a building rich with content and with a sculptural appearance. The design of the project covers several intentions and functions of the new object with the public space, in connection with the nearby infrastructure and building structures of the strict part of the city centre. New functions of the space on the ground floor and in the cellar include a programme designed for the city and the public: a square with an avenue, a museum, a multifunctional space; and a programme in the higher storeys designed for target groups – entrepreneurs and the so-called start-ups which operate according to contemporary business models. The latter would enable Celje an even more efficient development and an influx of new projects and jobs. A new representative public space with a new expressive architecture would thus supplement the ever more important cultural activity of the historic city centre of Celje.
Secondary keywords: architecture;public space;architectural planning;business;museum;Celje;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za gradbeništvo, prometno inženirstvo in arhitekturo, Arhitektura
Pages: 179 f.
ID: 9234673
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