diplomska naloga


V diplomski nalogi predstavljamo rezultate preizkusa kakovosti delovanja instrumenta JAVAD TRIUMPH-LS pri izmeri RTK. Preizkus smo naredili po navodilih standarda ISO 17123-8 in sicer na dveh deloviščih ob različnih vremenskih pogojih in ob različnih načinih postavitve instrumenta na točko. V prvem primeru smo instrument postavljali na stative, v drugem primeru pa smo s prisilnim centriranjem instrument postavili na stebra. S preizkusom smo potrdili kakovost delovanja instrumenta JAVAD TRIUMPH-LS, kot jo predpisuje proizvajalec, vendar velja poudariti, da smo pri drugi izvedbi preizkusa, ko smo instrument postavili na stebre, pridobili precej boljše rezultate ponovljivosti določitve koordinat. Po večkratno narejenem preizkusu po standardu ISO 17123-8 lahko rečemo, da instrument JAVAD TRIUMPH-LS tudi ob uporabi notranje antene in brez vključenega inklinometra za upoštevanje popravkov zaradi nagiba omogoča pridobitev rezultatov, kot jo podaja proizvajalec. Drugi del naloge se je navezoval na ponovljivost določitve koordinat ene točke za primer, ko smo instrument postavili bliže tlom. V tej situaciji smo dodatno na tla položili folijo, ki bi lahko predstavljala vir odboja signala GNSS. V danem primeru nismo ugotovili bistvenih razlik v določitvi koordinat in lahko na osnovi rezultatov zaključimo, da višina antene ne vpliva na kakovost določitve končnih koordinat točk.


geodezija;diplomska naloga;UNI;GIG;preizkus;standard ISO;Javad;RTK izmera;notranja antena;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [K. Stoporko]
UDC: 528.2:528.5(497.4)(043.2)
COBISS: 7829601 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2080
Downloads: 707
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Test of the instrument Javad Triumph- LS according to the standard ISO 17123- 8
Secondary abstract: In the graduation thesis we present the results of the examination of the quality and operation of the instrument JAVAD TRIUMPH-LS in RTK survey. The test was done according to the instructions of standard ISO 17123-8 at two worksites in different weather conditions and with different ways of installing the instrument on the point. In the first case we have an instrument erected at the bar, but in the second case we use forced centering instrument placed on a pillar. With the test we confirmed the quality of the operation of the instrument JAVAD TRIUMPH-LS, as is provided by the manufacturer, although, it should be noted that in the second case, when we put instrument on the pillars, we get much better repeatability of the results of the determination of coordinates. After multiple test made according to standard ISO 17123-8, we can say, that the instrument JAVAD TRIUMPH-LS, even when we using internal antennas and when we exclude inclinoimeter, which take into account corrections resulting from the inclination, obtain the results as given by the manufacturers. The second part of the graduation thesis was about the reproducibility determination of the coordinates of one point, for the case, when we put the instrument closer to the ground. In this situation, we placed the foil around, which may constitute a source of multipath. In this case we did not find significant differences in determining the coordinates and may, based on the results conclude, that the antenna height does not affect the quality of the final determination of coordinates of points.
Secondary keywords: test;standard ISO;Javad;RTK survey;internal antenna;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: VIII, 35 str., [6] str. pril.
ID: 9234930