magistrsko delo
Mitja Pernek (Author), Sebastjan Strašek (Mentor)


Brezhibno delovanje bančnega sistema je ključnega pomena za obstoj in nadaljnji razvoj države. Že v sami preventivi je potrebno, da smo pozorni na bančno politiko, ki jo vodi država, ter da nenehno spremljamo zadolženost, likvidnost in kapitalsko ustreznost bank. Kadar se pojavi bančna kriza, le-tej navadno sledi tudi valutna in dolžniška kriza, nemalokrat pa nato celotno nacionalno gospodarstvo pade v gospodarsko recesijo. Iz omenjenih razlogov se je nanjo treba primerno odzvati. Osnovni namen ustanovitve slabe banke je stabilizacija bančnega sistema, povečanje transparentnosti ter povrnitev zaupanja investitorjev in pomoč ter aktivno sodelovanje v procesu prestrukturiranja potencialno dobrih podjetij. Zelo pomembno je, da banke in država delujejo usklajeno. Ključnega pomena je predvsem povrniti zaupanje v bančni sistem in ustrezno zavarovati bančne vloge. Uvedba slabe banke je vsekakor učinkovit proces reševanja bančne krize nacionalnega bančnega sistema, vendar ugoden končen rezultat ni samoumeven. V prvi vrsti je potrebno izbrati najprimernejši model implementacije slabe banke in izbrati ustrezen organizacijski model. Zelo pomembna je tudi zaposlitvena struktura. Zaposleni morajo biti strokovno podkovani in politično neobremenjeni, saj ima političen vpliv močno negativen vpliv na slabo banko. Uporabo mehanizma slabe banke v procesu premostitve bančne krize spremljajo visoki stroški. Konkretnejši prenosi sredstev in tveganj namreč povečujejo stroške, pa vendar obenem prinašajo transparentnost, večajo fleksibilnost bank in boniteto ter povečujejo zaupanje tujih investitorjev in omogočajo lažji dostop do virov financiranja. Za izbiro ustreznega modela je torej potrebno predhodno opraviti vrsto analiz različnih postavk, jih ustrezno ovrednotiti, določiti njihov vpliv na koeficient kapitalske ustreznosti banke in na podlagi pridobljenih rezultatov izbrati ustreznega. Ključnega pomena je predvsem prvo leto delovanja slabe banke, saj mora le-ta razmeroma hitro in jasno določiti, kako bo obravnavala posamezne vrste slabih kreditov ter terjatev. Primeri slabih bank iz tujine so v mnogih primerih pokazali, da so izkušnje uporabe inštrumenta slabe banke v veliki meri pozitivne. Pri tem gre zlasti izpostaviti primere iz Irske, Švedske, Nemčije in Amerike.


bančništvo;bančni sistemi;finančna kriza;slaba banka;DUTB;stresni testi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM EPF - Faculty of Economics and Business
Publisher: [M. Pernek]
UDC: 336.71(043.2)
COBISS: 12679708 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2418
Downloads: 189
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Resolution of banking crisis with a bad bank
Secondary abstract: Proper working order of the banking system represent key elements in the existence and further development of a country. The banking policy of a country and constant monitoring of indebtedness, liquidity and capital adequacy of banks should represent an integral part of the preventive measures. Whenever a banking crisis appears, it is usually followed by a monetary and debt crisis. Furthermore, it is not uncommon for the whole national economy to fall into economic recession. Therefore, a banking crisis should be properly addressed. The main purpose of creating a bad bank is to stabilize the banking system, increase transparency and regain trust of investors as well as their help and active involvement in the process of restructuring potentially good companies. It is of the utmost importance that companies and banks work in harmony. Key aim is mainly to rebuild trust in the banking system and to properly secure bank deposits. The implementation of a bad bank represents an efficient process of solving the banking crisis of the national banking system. However, a positive final outcome should not be self-granted. Primarily, the most suitable model for the implementation of a bad bank and a suitable organisation model should be chosen. Secondly, employment structure plays also an important role. Employees need to have proper expertise and should not be subjected to any political influences, as politics can have a strong negative effect on the bad bank. The process of overcoming banking crisis is often accompanied by high costs due to the use of bad bank mechanism. A more substantial transfer of assets and risks increases the costs. However, at the same time it ensures transparency, increases flexibility and credit rating of banks as well as increases foreign investors’ confidence and enables easier access to financial sources. In order to choose a suitable model it is therefore necessary to conduct a series of analysis for various thesis in advance. Moreover, the items must be properly evaluated, their influence on the coefficient of the capital requirement of a bank must be determined and on the basis of the results gained a suitable model should be chosen. The first year of the bad bank practice is of key importance. How individual types of bad loans and claims will be handled must be identified relatively fast and clearly. It has been shown that the use of bad banks abroad has born positive results and the examples from Ireland, Sweden, Germany and the USA clearly prove that.
Secondary keywords: banking system;bad bank;banking crisis;financial crisis;DUTB;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Ekonomsko-poslovna fak.
Pages: [VI], 84 str.
ID: 9235483
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