specialistično delo podiplomskega študija kriminalistično preiskovanje


Specialistična naloga se dotakne bistva aktualne kazenskopravne tematike. Obravnava institut pogojne sankcije – tj. eno izmed sodobnih vrst kazenskih sankcij, ki obsega pogojno obsodbo in njeno obogateno različico pogojno obsodbo z varstvenim nadzorstvom, institut preklica pogojne obsodbe, hkrati pa tudi institut probacijske službe in pomen probacijske dejavnosti. Predmetna specialistična naloga se ukvarja s tezo, da je kaznovalna politika naših sodišč preveč naklonjena izrekanju pogojnih obsodb. Da je temu tako potrjujejo statistični podatki, ki nazorno izkazujejo velik delež pogojnih obsodb v strukturi vseh kazenskih sankcij. Slednje je v očeh splošne javnosti še posebej problematično, saj tozadevnim kazenskim sankcijam ne zaupajo in jih razumejo kot nekaznovanost. Po drugi strani pa ni bilo mogoče spregledati povsem drugačne slike, ki se riše pri oplemeniteni različici osnovne pogojne obsodbe – tj. pogojni obsodbi z varstvenim nadzorstvom. Statistični podatki več kot očitno kažejo, da je pogojna obsodba z varstvenim nadzorstvom, postavljena na stranski tir. Pričujoč prispevek poskuša najti razloge za opisano stanje. Poseben del razprave je med drugim namenjen institutu preklica pogojne obsodbe s pomočjo katerega je mogoče deloma preveriti učinkovitost in upravičenost izrečenih pogojnih sankcij. Ob razpravi smo trčili na problem dostopa do podatkov o preklicih pogojnih sankcijah, saj Vrhovno sodišče RS ne razpolaga z vnaprej pripravljenimi standardiziranimi statističnimi podatki. Vsled tega smo se bili primorani posluževati tudi povezanih informacij in analogije. Nekaj prostora razprava namenja tudi institutu probacijske službe, ki se nam obeta v bližnji prihodnosti in bi utegnila izboljšati prakso pri izrekanju in izvrševanju pogojnih sankcij. Namreč pomanjkljivosti, ki se tičejo izvedbene ravni varstvenega nadzorstva, kličejo po potrebnih spremembah.


kazenske sankcije;pogojna obsodba;varstveno nadzorstvo;preklic;probacija;specialistične naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.10 - Specialist Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: M. Medved]
UDC: 343.1(043.2)
COBISS: 3266794 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1899
Downloads: 165
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: This specialist thesis addresses the essence of the current criminal law. It challenges the institution of suspended sentence – i.e. one of the contemporary types of criminal sanctions, which includes suspended sentence and its supplemented version of suspended sentence with probation, and at the same time the institution of revocation of suspended sentence and the significance of probation services. This specialist work deals with the thesis that the penalty policy of the Slovene courts is overbalanced in favour of imposing suspended sentences. This is confirmed by statistical data, which clearly demonstrate a high proportion of suspended sentences in the structure of all criminal sanctions. The latter is particularly problematic in the eyes of the general public, as such criminal sanctions are not trusted and are considered as impunity. On the other hand we were not able to overlook an entirely different picture of the enriched version of the basic suspended service – i.e. suspended sentence with probation. Statistical data clearly show that suspended sentence with probation has been put on the back burner. The present contribution is trying to find the reasons for the described situation. A specific part of the discussion is inter alia dedicated to the institution of revocation of suspended sentence, with which one can partly verify the efficiency and eligibility of the imposed suspended sentences. During the discussion we came up against the problem of access to data on revocation of suspended sentences, as the Supreme Court of the Republic of Slovenia does not have at its disposal standardised statistical data, prepared in advance. Because of this we were forced to use also related information and analogies. The thesis discusses also the institution of probation services, which we can expect in the near future and which could improve the practice in imposing and enforcement of suspended sentences. Namely, the shortcomings, related to the execution of probation services, require necessary modifications.
Secondary keywords: admonitory sanction;suspended sentence;probation services;proceedings;revocation;probation.;
Type (COBISS): Specialist thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 91 str.
ID: 9237071
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