diplomsko delo
Barbara Balažic (Author), Matjaž Tratnik (Mentor)


Problematika diplomskega dela zajema normativno ureditev na področju varstva okolja in odgovornosti držav pri kršitvi mednarodnih pravil. S kodifikacijo običajnih pravil o splošni mednarodni odgovornosti držav se je doseglo spoštovanje medsebojnih obveznosti in torej delček vsega kar ruši svet, kot celovitost. K urejenosti kršitev mednarodnih obveznosti in pravnih posledic le teh je pripomogla Komisija za mednarodno pravo leta 2001 z Osnutkom pravil o odgovornosti držav. Na drugi strani pa se države z medsebojnim sodelovanjem na mednarodnih konferencah dogovarjajo za dobrobit in ukrepe, ki bi pripomogli k racionalnejšemu ravnovesju med človekovimi interesi in naravnimi dobrinami ter se soočajo s tistimi rešitvami, kjer je moč še kaj spremeniti in popraviti. Konflikt med bogatim severom in revnim oziroma razvojnim jugom sveta, ki vse bolj poglablja revščino in razlike se poleg prekomernega izkoriščenja ter uničevanja okolja zdi zavedno odprto vprašanje, katerega države niso pripravljene dovolj enotno razrešiti. Pri tem vsaka država vztraja pri svoji okoljevarstveni politiki, ki ji zagotavlja kar se da največjo gospodarsko korist in dobiček, prav tako pa se nobena izmed držav ni pripravljena odreči velikemu delu svoje suverenosti. Toda večja skrb, ki na začetku ni bila tako izpostavljena, bi morala biti namenjena prav posamezniku, da ni samo on en in edini gospodar vsega ampak obstajajo tudi naslednje generacije, ki bodo prišle za njim. Državam se nalaga obveznost, da na področju varstva okolja združijo moči skupaj z ostalimi subjekti mednarodnega prava in nevladnimi organizacijami, saj okoljska škoda že dolgo presega nacionalne meje in postaja globalni problem, toda vsa regulacija ostaja samo pri okvirnih sporazumih, ki pa spadajo v soft law in tako državam ne predstavljajo pravne obveze.


diplomska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UM PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [B. Balažic]
UDC: 341.24(043.2)
COBISS: 5336875 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1044
Downloads: 165
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary abstract: The thesis discusses the issue of normative regulation in the field of environmental protection and the responsibility of states for violation of international rules. With codification of customary rules on general international responsibility of states the compliance with mutual obligations has been achieved and thus only a small part of what destroys the world as a whole. By adopting the Draft Articles on Responsibility of States for Internationally Wrongful Acts in 2001, the International Law Commission made a substantial contribution to the regulation of international obligations’ violations and their legal implications. On the other hand, however, the states with their mutual cooperation at international conferences arrange for wellbeing and measures that would contribute to more rational balance between human interests and natural resources and they face those solutions where there is still a possibility to change or amend something. The conflict between the wealthy North and the poor or developing South of the world which increasingly deepens poverty and differences, coupled with over-exploitation and destruction of environment seems to be always open question and the willingness of states to uniformly solve it is lacking. In addition, each state stands by its environmental policy allowing it the greatest possible economic benefit and profit, and none of the states is willing to give up a large part of its sovereignty. However, a greater concern which was not highlighted in the beginning should be given to an individual because he/she is not the one and only master of everything but there are also the next generations to follow. States are under obligation to join forces in the field of environmental protection with other subjects of international law and non-governmental organisations since damage caused to the environment has long been surpassing national borders and is thus becoming a global problem but all the regulation remains at the stage of framework agreements that fall into soft law and therefore do not represent a legal obligation of the states.
Secondary keywords: international responsibility;International Law Commission;environmental policy;sovereignty;international conferences;conflict;environmental damage;poverty;
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Pravna fak.
Pages: 49 f.
ID: 9237378