magistrsko delo
Borut Barlič (Author), Maruška Šubic Kovač (Mentor), Anton Prosen (Thesis defence commission member), Albin Rakar (Thesis defence commission member), Aleš Marjetič (Thesis defence commission member)


Namen magistrskega dela je oblikovati sistem vrednotenja nezazidanih stavbnih zemljišč, ki bo omogočal objektivnejše ocenjevanje tržne vrednosti stavbnih zemljišč. Pri tem smo si zastavili naslednjo raziskovalno hipotezo: Posplošena tržna vrednost stavbnih zemljišč, ocenjena za potrebe množičnega vrednotenja, ni uporabna za posamično vrednotenje stavbnih zemljišč v Sloveniji, ker ne odraža razmer na trgu stavbnih zemljišč. Zato je treba v Sloveniji vzpostaviti sistem posamičnega tržnega vrednotenja stavbnih zemljišč, zasnovan na tržnih smernih vrednostih stavbnih zemljišč. Za potrebe raziskave smo pridobili, obdelali in analizirali podatke o izvedenih transakcijah s stavbnimi zemljišči na aplikativnem območju Mestne občine Maribor (v nadaljevanju: MOM) v obdobju od 2007 do konca 2014. Pridobljene podatke o izvedenih transakcijah smo normirali na dan 31. 12. 2014 in tako odpravili razlike zaradi različnega časa prodaje. Oblikovali smo vrednostne cone s pomočjo modificirane metode voditeljev, ustreznost oblikovanih vrednostnih con pa smo preverili s primerjavo koeficientov variacije in izvedbo t-testov, s katerimi smo preverjali različnost oblikovanih con. Določili smo referenčno stavbno zemljišče z lastnostmi, ki so na aplikativnem območju največkrat zastopane. Izbor dejavnikov, ki vplivajo na vrednost stavbnega zemljišča, smo določili na podlagi ankete strokovne javnosti. Z multiplo regresijsko analizo smo preverili, kateri dejavniki v posamezni coni vplivajo na vrednost stavbnega zemljišča. Smerne vrednosti smo določili po statistični metodi, njihovo ustreznost pa smo preverili z intersubjektivnimi metodami. Za preverjanje ustreznosti vrednostnih con smo uporabili metodo »Zielbaum« oziroma metodo razvejanega diagrama po Aurnhammerjevem postopku. Ugotovili smo, da so smerne vrednosti ustrezno določene s pomočjo statistične metode. Oblikovali smo koeficiente za preračunavanje v vrednostni coni tri za spremenljivko površina stavbnega zemljišča. Z opravljeno raziskavo smo ugotovili, da obstoječi sistem posamičnega vrednotenja ne prepoveduje vrednotenja s pomočjo posredne tržne primerjave, kamor lahko prištevamo tudi vrednotenje s pomočjo tržnih smernih vrednosti. Izkazalo se je, da so izpeljane tržne smerne vrednosti ustrezna podlaga za izvedbo posamičnega vrednotenja stavbnih zemljišč. Ugotovili smo, da se izpeljane tržne smerne vrednosti v aplikativnem območju MOM-a razlikujejo od posplošenih tržnih vrednosti.


geodezija;magistrska dela;vrednotenje nepremičnin;stavbno zemljišče;smerna vrednost;načini vrednotenja stavbnih zemljišč;postopek vrednotenja nepremičnin;model smernih vrednosti;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [B. Barlič]
UDC: 332.64:711.143(497.4)(043)
COBISS: 7853921 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2868
Downloads: 956
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Valuation of vacant building land based on market standard ground values
Secondary abstract: The purpose of this Master Thesis is to create an evaluation system of undeveloped building land, which will allow objective evaluation of the market value of building land. We have set ourselves the following research hypothesis: the generalized market value of building land, estimated to meet the needs of mass valuation, is not applicable to individual valuation of building lands in Slovenia, because it does not reflect the situation on the market of building land. Therefore, in Slovenia we need to establish a system of an individual valuation of building land, based on the market standard ground values of building land. For the purposes of research, we obtained, processed and analyzed data on completed transactions with building land on the applied area of the Municipality of Maribor in the period from 2007 to the end of 2014. We adjusted the acquired data on completed transactions on 31 12 2014 and eliminated the differences, caussed by different time of sale. We have created value zones by using the modified method of leaders. The adequacy of formed zones has been checked by comparing the coefficients of variation and execution of t-tests with which we verified differences of created zones. We have determined the reference building land, which has properties that are on the applied area most represented. Range of factors that affect the value of building land has been determined based on a survey of the professional public. With multiple regression analysis, we have checked which factors in each zone affected the value of building land. Standard ground values have been determined by a statistical method and its suitability was checked by intersubjective methods. In order to verify the adequacy of zones, the "Zielbaum" method or branched diagram after Aurnhammer procedure has been used. We have found that the standard ground value is properly defined by using the statistical methods. We have designed the coefficients for the conversion for variable area of building land in the value zone three. The survey has shown that the existing system of individual evaluation does not prohibit indirect valuation through market comparisons, which may also include the evaluation with the help of market standard ground values. It turns out that the derived market standard ground values are appropriate basis for carrying out individual evaluations of building land. We have found out that derived standard ground values in the applied area of Municipality of Maribor differ from the generalized market values.
Secondary keywords: geodesy;master of science thesis;real estate;building land;standard ground value;valuation process;valuation methods;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: XVIII, 91 str., 7 pril.
ID: 9238383