diplomska naloga
Matic Planinšek (Author), Miran Kuhar (Mentor), Polona Pavlovčič Prešeren (Thesis defence commission member), Božo Koler (Co-mentor)


Diplomska naloga je namenjena predstavitvi različnih višinskih sistemov in primerjavi izračunanih višin med višinskimi sistemi znotraj izbranega nivelmanskega poligona. Za testno območje je bil določen del Primorske, in sicer od Kopra do Kozine. Nivelmanski poligon, ki poteka od reperja 9000 preko 48 vmesnih reperjev do reperja 2839, v dolžino meri 37,351 kilometrov, višinska razlika med najnižjim in najvišjim reperjem pa znaša 497,98692 metra. Celotna klasična geodezija temelji na točki, tretja koordinata točke pa je višina. Višine so za geodezijo in številne druge stroke zelo pomemben element, zato je pomembno, da pri izbiri višinskega sistema upoštevamo zahteve več različnih uporabnikov in strok. Kateri višinski sitem izbrati oziroma kakšne so prednosti in slabosti posameznih višinskih sistemov pa je bila vodilna misel moje diplomske naloge. Diplomska naloga za testno območje podaja višine v več višinskih sistemih, in sicer v normalnih ortometričnih višinah, geopotencialnih kotah, dinamičnih višinah, ortometričnih višinah in v normalnih višinah. Uradni višinski sistem v Sloveniji so normalne ortometrične višine, v veliko evropskih državah pa imajo za uraden višinski sistem nadmorskih višin normalne višine, kar bi bilo, kot sem tudi sam ugotovil, najprimernejše in najkoristnejše tudi za Slovenijo. Normalne višine zadovoljijo vsem petim osnovnim pogojem za optimalni višinski sistem, poleg tega so zelo dobro povezane z elipsoidnimi višinami.


geodezija;diplomska naloga;UNI;GIG;geometrični nivelman;gravimetrija;višinski sitemi;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization: UL FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher: [M. Planinšek]
UDC: 528.024(043.2)
COBISS: 7845985 Link will open in a new window
Views: 2278
Downloads: 688
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Comparision heights in different height systems in selected height polygon
Secondary abstract: The main topic of this diploma work is to present several height systems and to compare calculated heights between different height systems in selected leveling line. For the test area part of Primorska from Koper to Kozina was selected. Levelling line is 37,351 kilometers long and is passing from point 9000 to point 2839, between 9000 and 2839 is 48 other points. Height difference between the lowest and the highest point is 497,98692 meters. Whole classical geodesy is based on point and the third coordinate of point is height. Heights are very important for geodesy and many other professions, because of that is very important that when one has to choose gone height system, it has to consider requests of many professions. Which height system is better to choose and what advantages or disadvantages has one height system, was common thread of my diploma work. We have determined heights of the chosen levelling line in different height systems in the test area. These are: normal orthometric heights, geopotential number, dynamic heights, orthometric heights and normal heights. The official height system in Slovenia are normal orthometric heights. The official height system in many European countries are normal heights and this height system would be most appropriate and useful for Slovenia too. Normal heights satisfy all five basic conditions for ideal height system. Normal heights are also very good connected with ellipsoidal heights.
Secondary keywords: graduation thesis;geodesy;geometric levelling;gravimetry;height system;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Bachelor thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Fak. za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
Pages: VIII, 34 str., 1 pril.
ID: 9238395