magistrsko delo
Mojca Rešek (Author), Alenka Kobolt (Mentor)


V magistrskem delu se ukvarjam z vprašanjem, kako lahko koučing kot sistematičen proces prispeva pri podpori k zdravju na delovnem mestu. Svetovna zdravstvena organizacija (WHO) definira zdravje kot stanje popolne telesne, duševne in socialne blaginje in ne kot odsotnost bolezni in/ali invalidnosti. Bolj kot telesno bo v nadaljevanju beseda zdravje opredeljevala psihofizično in socialno počutje. Teoretični del opredeljuje psihofizično zdravje povezano z delovnim okoljem, predstavi smernice promocije zdravja na delovnem mestu in umesti koučing kot podporo med dejavnike, ki lahko vplivajo na posameznikovo zdravje. V raziskovanje je bil zajet vzorec zaposlenih v izbranem podjetju, ki so se prostovoljno vključili v proces koučinga. Proces je bil izveden v osmih srečanjih, kontinuirano, s tedenskim razmikom. Spremljali smo ga s pomočjo zbranih gradiv srečanj, evalviranjem posameznih srečanj ter z analizo celotnega procesa. Ovrednotili smo vprašalnik o psihofizičnem počutju in krog ravnotežja pred in po zaključku procesa. Po končanih srečanjih smo opravili usmerjen pogovor z vsako udeleženko. Zbrani podatki omogočajo naslednje odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja: koučing proces je bil po samooceni udeleženk podporen njihovemu zdravju, saj so vse poročale o pozitivnih spremembah v psihofizičnem počutju. Poleg tega so se ocenile kot bolj samozavestne, lažje so prenašale delovne obremenitve in bile so bolj učinkovite. Vse to je po njihovi samooceni pozitivno vplivalo na njihovo zdravje. V nalogi sta predstavljena tudi dva modela izvajanja koučinga kot podpore zdravju, oblikovana so vprašanja, ki se jih lahko uporabi v procesih k zdravju usmerjenega koučing procesa, grb za krepitev samozavesti ter kolo ravnotežja (posameznik, družina, delovno okolje in delovne obremenitve).


koučing;promocija zdravja na delovnem mestu;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PEF - Faculty of Education
Publisher: [M. Rešek]
UDC: 159.913(043.2)
COBISS: 11398473 Link will open in a new window
Views: 748
Downloads: 93
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Coaching as support for health in the workplace
Secondary abstract: In my master thesis I am engaging with a question how couching as a systematical process contributes with supporting health at workplace. World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as state of complete physical, emotional and social welfare and not as absence of disease and/or disability. More than physically this thesis will use the word health as psycho-physical and social well-being. Theoretical part defines psycho-physical health, correlated with work environment, introduces guidelines of health promotion and places coaching as a contributor with elements that effect one’s health. Theory part of this thesis defines psycho-physical health in correlation with working environment, introduces ways of promoting health at work place and placed couching as a big support and contribution towards one’s wellbeing and health. A sample of employees that voluntary included themselves in the process of couching at chosen company was used in this research. It was conducted in eight meetings, continuously with one week break. It was monitored with collected meeting materials, meeting evaluations and based on the entire process. Questionnaire analysis about psycho-physical being and circle of balance before and after the process ended was conducted and evaluated. After the meetings were over a focused interview with each individual participant was implemented. Gathered data enable following answers to research questions: based on clients self-evaluations couching process contributes to support good health as all of them noticed changes in their psycho-physical being. In addition to that they reported to be more confident, they handled work pressure easier and were more effective. Based on their self-evaluation all this made a positive impact on their health. In addition, two models as options of assistance with implementing couching as health support are introduced in this thesis. Furthermore, the thesis disclose a sample questionnaire that can be used with coaching as health support at workplace, coat-of-arms for boosting confidence and balance wheel (for oneself, family, working environment and working pressure).
Secondary keywords: health;place of work;zdravje;delovno mesto;
File type: application/pdf
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pedagoška fak., Supervizija, Osebno in organizacijsko svetovanje
Pages: 93 str.
ID: 9241667
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