magistrsko delo
Rok Konečnik (Author), Branko Lobnikar (Mentor)


Izsiljevanje je pojav, ki je močno prisoten v naši družbi, čeprav se tega niti ne zavedamo. Ljudje smo si med seboj različni in pogosto pride do situacij, ko je ena oseba močnejša od druge oz. se znajde v položaju, ki ji daje prednost, pa naj bo to zaradi fizične, situacijske ali katerekoli druge okoliščine. V takšnih trenutkih se močnejša oseba znese nad šibkejšo, bodisi za denar, usluge ali kakšno drugo dobrino ravno s pomočjo izsiljevanja. Gostinski lokali in njihovi lastniki so gotovo ena izmed tistih skupin, ki je najpogosteje podvržena izsiljevanju. Zaradi strahu, sramu in občutka nemoči se lastniki gostinskih lokalov malokdaj opogumijo in temu uprejo. Zato se izsiljevanje težko zazna, izjemno redko pa se izsiljevanje gostinskih lokalov tudi prijavi policiji. Eden glavnih razlogov je, da izsiljevanje večino časa poteka v zelo zaprtem krogu in da sta edina vpletena v ta odnos tisti, ki izsiljuje, in tisti, ki je žrtev izsiljevanja. Izsiljevanje lahko prihaja iz različnih virov in na različnih ravneh. Lahko se izvaja s strani posameznika, skupine ali kriminalne organizacije, posledice pa vplivajo tako na posameznika kot tudi na celotno državo. Predvsem kriminalne organizacije z izsiljevanjem podjetnikov dušijo gospodarski razvoj, molzejo denar iz državne blagajne ter zastrupljajo zakonito gospodarstvo in s tem vplivajo na celotno družbo. Pomemben je tudi vpliv medijev na zaznavo izsiljevanja. Mediji so tisti, ki zbirajo, objavljajo in ponujajo informacije, pri tem pa pomembno vplivajo na dojemanje, opozarjanje in reševanje problematike izsiljevanja. Magistrsko delo predstavlja problematiko izsiljevanja, definicije izsiljevanja in učinke, ki jih ima izsiljevanje na posameznika in državo, obravnava gostinske lokale kot področje, ki je še posebej dovzetno za izsiljevanje, ter poizkuša analizirati stanje izsiljevanja gostinskih lokalov v centru Ljubljane. Magistrsko delo opozarja tudi na vpliv medijev na zaznavo in reševanje problematike izsiljevanja ter na delo policije v boju proti izsiljevanju gostinskih lokalov.


kazniva dejanja;izsiljevanje;gostinski lokali;Ljubljana;kriminalne združbe;organizirana kriminaliteta;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: R. Konečnik]
UDC: 343.3/.7(043.2)
COBISS: 3283690 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1653
Downloads: 217
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Extortion of restaurants, bars and pubs in the center of Ljubljana
Secondary abstract: Extortion is a phenomenon that has a strong presence in our society, although this is not something we are even aware of. All people are different, and often there are situations when one person is stronger than the other. This gives an advantage, whether it is due to a physical, situational or any other circumstances. In such moments, the stronger person lashes out at weaker, either for money, services or any other item, most often by using extortion. Restaurants and bars and their owners are certainly one of those groups who are most often subjects of extortion. Because of fear, shame and feelings of helplessness, the owners of restaurants and bars rarely have the courage to resist. It is therefore difficult to detect extortion. In extremely rare cases extorted restaurants owners also report extortion to the police. One of the main reasons is that extortion most of the time takes place in a closed circle. Only involved in this relationship are the one who blackmails and the one who is a victim of extortion. Extortion may come from different sources and at different levels. It can be carried by an individual, group or criminal organization. The consequences could affect both, the individual, as well as the entire country. In particular, criminal organizations through extortion of businesses stifle economic development, milk money from the state treasury and poison the legal economy, thereby affecting the entire society. Also important is the influence of the media on the perception of extortion. The media are the ones who collect, publish and provide information as well as they have an important influence on the perception, warning and solving the problems of extortion. This Master's thesis presents the problem of extortion and its definition, tries to determine effects which extortion has on the individual and the state, deals with hotels, restaurants and pubs as an area that is particularly prone to blackmail and attempts to analyze the amount of extortion on restaurants, bars and pubs in the center of Ljubljana. Master's thesis also points to the influence of the media on perception and solving the problems of extortion and how police work is trying to fight extortion of restaurants, bars and pubs.
Secondary keywords: extortion;extortion of restaurants;bars and pubs;media;police;criminal organizations;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 56 str.
ID: 9244712
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