magistrsko delo
Vanja Hojs (Author), Igor Areh (Mentor)


Zemljina stalna spremljevalka Luna nam je zaradi kroženja okrog Zemlje včasih vidna bolj, včasih manj. Luno oziroma njeno površje vidimo pravzaprav zaradi njene Sončeve osvetljenosti, saj je Luna temno telo. Fazam Lunine osvetljenosti pravimo tudi Lunine mene, ki jih delimo na prazno Luno ali mlaj, takrat je Luna najmanj osvetljena, na prvi krajec (takrat je osvetljena desna polovica Lune), polno Luno ali ščip, ko vidimo celotno stran Lune in zadnji krajec, ko vidimo levo polovico Lune. Med dvema istima fazama preteče približno 29,53 dni. V začetku smo si zadali tri hipoteze: osvetljenost Lune vpliva na kršitve javnega reda in miru, število kršitev se poveča, če pride do ujemanja med Luninimi menami in vikendi, število kršitev se poveča, če pride do ujemanja med Luninimi menami in prazniki ter dela prostimi dnevi. Hipoteze smo preverjali tako, da smo za natančno obdelavo in izračun korelacij najprej izračunali osvetljenost Lune za vsak dan posebej v obdobju od 1. 1. 2010 do 31. 12. 2015 in jih primerjali s številom kršitev, ki so se zgodile na določeni dan. Rezultate smo grafično predstavili, s pomočjo Pearsonovega koeficienta korelacije pa smo ugotovili, da med spremenljivkami ni pozitivne povezanosti, zato smo zavrgli vse tri na začetku zadane hipoteze. Korelacije med Luninimi menami in kršitvami javnega reda in miru ni, tudi če pride do njihovega ujemanja z vikendi in prazniki ter dela prostimi dnevi. Z analizami smo ugotovili, da Luna ne vpliva na kršitve javnega reda in miru, čeprav jo večkrat povežemo z dogajanji in vedenjem ljudi.


Luna;položaj Lune;vplivi;javni red in mir;kršitve;magistrska dela;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UM FVV - Faculty of Criminal Justice
Publisher: V. Hojs]
UDC: 159.9+551.590.22(043.2)
COBISS: 3284458 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1372
Downloads: 161
Average score: 0 (0 votes)

Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Lunar influence on peace disturbance
Secondary abstract: Earth's constant companion — the Moon is sometimes more sometimes less visible due to its constant rotation around the Earth. We see the Moon, or its surface, due to its illumination from the Sun as the Moon is a dark body. The phases of the Moon's illumination are also called the Phases of the Moon or Lunar Phases. They are divided into an empty moon or new moon, when the moon is the least illuminated, the first crescent, when the left half of the moon is lit, the full moon, when we see the whole side of the moon, and gibbous, when we see the right half of the Moon. There are approximately 29.5 days between the same two phases. In the beginning of this master's thesis, the following three hypotheses were set: illumination of the moon affects the breach of public peace and order; the number of violations increases if there is a correlation between lunar phases and weekends; the number of violations increases if there is a correlation between lunar phases, holidays, and work off days. For the accurate processing and calculation of correlation, hypotheses were verified first with calculation of the brightness of the Moon for each day in the period from 1 January 2010 to 31 December 2015. Those results were then compared with the number of violations that have taken place on a given day. The results were presented graphically, using the Pearson coefficient correlation. The findings showed that the variable was not in a positive correlation. Therefore, we discarded all three hypotheses. There is no correlation between the lunar phases and violations of law and order, not even if the lunar phases occur on weekends, holidays, and off workdays. Using the analyses, we found that the Moon does not affect the breach of public order and peace, despite the fact that we often associate it with certain events and behaviour of people.
Secondary keywords: Illumination of the Moon;breach of public peace and order.;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Thesis comment: Univ. v Mariboru, Fak. za varnostne vede, Ljubljana
Pages: 135 str.
ID: 9245074
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