(magistrska diplomska naloga)
Silvana Kovač (Author), Mirjam Škrk (Mentor)


Mednarodno kazensko pravo je pravna panoga, ki preučuje kazniva dejanja mednarodnopravnih razsežnosti. Nastala je kot odgovor na hude kršitve človekovih pravic in temeljnih svoboščin, ki jih izvršijo posamezniki. Zaradi nadaljnjih kršitev na tem področju je mednarodna skupnost vzpostavila mednarodne sodne mehanizme za pregon in sojenje storilcem, odgovornih za mednarodna hudodelstva (genocid, hudodelstva zoper človečnost, vojna hudodelstva, agresija). Šele dogodki po drugi svetovni vojni so dokončno povezali mednarodno skupnost k odpravi nekaznovanosti storilcev, odgovornih za najhujša mednarodna hudodelstva. S ciljem zatreti hudodelsko naravo človeka in zaradi zagotovitve pravičnosti in miru sta bili ustanovljeni mednarodni vojaški sodišči v Nürnbergu in Tokiu. Grozodejstva na območju nekdanje Jugoslavije in Ruande so v začetku devetdesetih letih vzpodbudile Varnostni svet Združenih narodov, da je ustanovil ad hoc mednarodni kazenski sodišči z jurisdikcijo za omenjena območja. Z Rimskim statutom je bilo ustanovljeno stalno Mednarodno kazensko sodišče, ki je v letu 2002 začelo izvrševati dopolnilno jurisdikcijo nad državami pogodbenicami. V primerjavi s kaznivimi dejanji, določenimi v nacionalni kazenski zakonodaji, so mednarodna hudodelstva z vidika obravnave kazenskopravnega področja precej zahtevnejša in obsežnejša v smislu iskanja kazenske odgovornosti storilcev mednarodnih hudodelstev. Za to obravnavo je potrebno do podrobnosti poznati odnose med posameznimi udeleženci mednarodne hudodelske združbe, da sodišče lahko korektno in pravno pravilno okvalificira udeležbo posameznika pri posamičnem protipravnem dejanju. Mednarodna kazenska sodišča so zaradi tega razloga skozi sodno prakso razvila nove pravne institute, s katerimi je možno zajeti vse storilce, odgovorne za mednarodna hudodelstva. Zaradi številčnosti potencialnih storilcev in udeležencev mednarodnih hudodelstev je izredno pomembno kje oziroma na kakšen način določiti krog odgovornih oseb za nastalo kršitev mednarodnega prava. Veriga odgovornih oseb se začne pri neposrednih storilcih in konča z idejnimi vodji nastanka mednarodnih hudodelstev. Slednji imajo mnogokrat do podrobnosti izdelan načrt, na podlagi katerega izvajajo mednarodna hudodelstva. Podrejeni izvršujejo ukaze in uresničujejo skrajno sprevržen in amoralni cilj, določen v tem načrtu. Za vzpostavitev kazenske odgovornosti posameznika je izredno pomembno poznavanje medsebojnih odnosov in nalog, ki so posamezniku dodeljena v določenem hierarhično oblikovanem hudodelskem sistemu. Sodišče mora natančno raziskati dejansko stanje, kar pa je že zaradi omenjene številčnosti storilcev, žrtev ter prič izredno težavno. Ne glede na problematiko pregona in sojenja pri mednarodnih hudodelstvih, mora biti sodišče prepričano onkraj razumnega dvoma, ali je domnevni storilec kriv za očitano mednarodno hudodelstvo. Kljub legitimnemu cilju v mednarodni skupnosti, to je obveznem kaznovanju posameznika za izvršena mednarodna hudodelstva, se uveljavljena načela kazenskega prava spreminjajo zaradi narave mednarodnih hudodelstev. Določeni instituti so v mednarodnem kazenskem pravu prirejeni na način, da se učinkovito doseže obsodba posameznika, odgovornega za mednarodna hudodelstva.


mednarodno kazensko pravo;mednarodna sodišča;kazensko pravo;kazenska odgovornost;mednarodna hudodelstva;mednarodna skupnost;posamezniki;mednarodna vojaška sodišča;ad hoc mednarodna kazenska sodišča;stalno mednarodno kazensko sodišče;pravičnost;novi pravni instituti;magistrske diplomske naloge;


Language: Slovenian
Year of publishing:
Typology: 2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization: UL PF - Faculty of Law
Publisher: [S. Kovač]
UDC: 341:347.9(043.2)
COBISS: 16358737 Link will open in a new window
Views: 1350
Downloads: 451
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Other data

Secondary language: English
Secondary title: Criminal Responsibility of the Individual through the Prism of the functioning of the International Courts
Secondary abstract: International criminal law is the legal branch, which deals with offences with international dimensions. It was created as a response of the serious violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms committed by the individual. In order to prevent further violations, the international community set up an international judicial mechanisms for prosecution of the perpetrators responsible for international crimes (genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes, aggression). Only events after the Second World War finally connected the international community to abolish impunity of those responsible for serious violations of international law. In order to ensure justice, peace and suppress criminal nature of a man, international military tribunals in Nuremberg and Tokyo were set up. Atrocities in the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda in the early nineties encouraged the UN Security Council to set up an ad hoc judicial bodies with jurisdiction over the said area. The Rome Statute established a permanent International Criminal Court, which in 2002 began to implement a complementary jurisdiction over the Contracting States. Compared to the offences established in national criminal law, international crimes are more complex and broader in the sense of seeking accountability of perpetrators of international crimes. For this discussion it is necessary to know the details of the relationships between the participants of international crimes in order that the court can properly and legally define participation of the individual in the concrete unlawful conduct. International criminal courts have due to this reason through case law developed new legal institutions. In accordance with them it is possible to cover all the perpetrators responsible for international crimes. Due to the abundance of potential perpetrators and participants of international crimes it is extremely important where or how to determine the individuals liable for the infringement of international law. The chain of responsible individuals for certain international crime starts with the direct perpetrators on the ground and ends with leaders of concrete unlawful act. The latter have often a detailed plan on the basis of which they carry out international crimes. Subordinates exercise amoral objective set out in this plan and obey superiors' commands. For determining the criminal responsibility of individual it is extremely important to know the relationships and duties that are assigned to an individual in a hierarchical formed criminal system. The court must carefully investigate the facts, which is due to the already mentioned abundance of the perpetrators, victims and witnesses extremely difficult. Notwithstanding the issue of prosecution and trial for international crimes, the court must be satisfied beyond reasonable doubt that the alleged offender is guilty of the international crimes. Despite the legitimate objective of the international community, which is a mandatory punishment of individuals responsible for international crimes, the established principles of criminal law vary due to the nature of international crimes. Certain institutes in international criminal law are modified in a way that effectively reaches the conviction of responsible individuals.
Secondary keywords: international criminal law;international crimes;international community;criminal responsibility;international military tribunals;ad hoc international criminal courts;permanent international criminal court;justice;new legal institutions;
Type (COBISS): Master's thesis/paper
Study programme: 0
Embargo end date (OpenAIRE): 1970-01-01
Thesis comment: Univ. v Ljubljani, Pravna fak.
Pages: 64 f.
ID: 9248990